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  • #1054477

      … Maybe not. Anyway!

      Hi lots & lots of lots. I’m dis. Current whereabouts undisclosed, but long-ago southern and still fairy. Found this place repeatedly the last year or so Googling random stuff, so figured it was time to sign up. Specially since I’m inching towards day 3 of postponing poisonous moral hangover.

      Because sometimes coke is your friend. And other times it ran out fucking hours ago leaving you the perfect* options of trying to double up on the moral hangover thing, or snorting OD-worthy piles of crushed up XLritalin and being a good little Jägerbomber pilot.

      Vaguely PV-relevant stuffs about me:

      50 kinds of crazy self-medicating, long-time abuser currently getting – maybe – properly diagnosed finally and … not entirely succeeding at sticking to the proscribed stuffs.

      Old-ass punker who kind of went punk because way back when you really had to have titties to be a cocksucking skin, even if your much older brother was the terror (but hey, at least they looked out for me and stuffs, even while they kicked the everloving out of all my mates on a weekly basis (also I’m guessing nobody here at all will ever get those references… Though if you do, I’m guessing we knew each other once, so please PM me or something)).

      Kind of hit trance and HC hard and loving, but too sidewayswise to ever really be part of it. But did manage to dance me out of my Doc’s for a while.

      Sadly nothing even remotely like a scene where I’m now hiding (pretty much never existed here at all), but… I’d be too damn old anyway at this point, so maybe that’s a good thing.

      Explanation for handle/nick thing: feeling kind of weirdly dissociated (I suspect for us more-HD-than-AD & Bipolar fruitcakes, snorting ritt is kind of like Skunk is to sane people – but I’m a ritt-snorting-virgin), and I’d rather be a pet than capitalised – though never a slave.

      Look forward to lots of randomnonsensechatting to you lots of lots. And hopefully something slightly more coherent in return 😉

      Personal motto: always interject into tangents.

      *Read: Plague or Cholera.


        So I was walking down the street, kinda blunted, dragging my feet. Thinking about my old friend Charlie, you know his usual malarky. Twisting egos draining souls. How is it possible so many people know him so well? Not sure really, hard to tell. It could be boredom of the mundane that turns people to cocaine. Still his power works in mysterious ways. And now you wonder why as you listen to his lie. With hit your brain like some kinda ego tripped train…

        As you’re left with the feeling none the same. As I preach to you now. With twisted secrets how. How would you like me to continue to play with your balls charlie mind? Don’t take it personal, just smile and pass the crate. When you need to go, just let my boy Charlie help you being.


          Hey, welcome dude.

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        Forums The Vibe Introductions Freebase Inside™