Forums The Vibe Chat Donation Made!!

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  • #1039290

      I have finally made a donation to this great website I personally think more should. I dont benefit out of making this donation whatsoever … all i get is making great friends and helping out those that make this website as great as it is. If people like me an others alike didn’t help out god knows what would happen to it!

      I hope more people do as I have have done!

      keep up the good work Partyvibe xxxxxxxxxxxxx

      Shorty :love:


        thanks shorty :love:


        for those of you who are wondering what the money goes to, it is all used to pay for the servers and so keep the site running [all the mods/admins are doing it for love of the site as volunteers :love: ]

        if you would like to help click on this link:

        Shit Robot

          raaaraaaraaaWell Done Shortylila,As you can see I did the same for the same reasons only In a more Roundabout way.Thanks Raj!:groucho::groucho:

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        Forums The Vibe Chat Donation Made!!