› Forums › The Vibe › Chat › dom_sufc
spittin image of that suited contestant on the new big brother:laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:
aaaaaaaw, i don’t think his ears are that big!
haha yes i know who you mean! :laugh_at:
yeh its true tho his ears arent that big
spittin fuckin image tho![from what i can remmeber] hahahahahah
I look nothing like that ugly cunt
If I look anything like him, im never leaving the house again. :laugh_at:
You don’t look anything like him 😉
And nice picture by the way :weee:
Urm I wouldn’t be leaving the house then if I was you :laugh_at:
Nah but I can see why he seems to think you do look like him
lol to be fair, you look nothin like this picture either!
Awww i don’t think you look that much like him maybe around the eyes but thats it.