Forums The Vibe Chat Do You Have Many Friends?

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      I mean really do you think you have many friends? And the way I mean a friend is if you called them up you could meet them if you were near them and chill with them relatively comfortable… This isn’t a proper friend definition but this is what I’m going for.

      Personally I have shit loads, too many to properly keep up with some I don’t see for a year but when I do it’s like I saw them yesterday.

      But recently i’m starting to notice that I seem to have more buddies than most people? not sure if I do or not so made this thread :bounce_fl


        facebook says i have 63 friends


          @thelog 511096 wrote:

          facebook says i have 63 friends

          PV says i have like 100+ friends. i should check but I cba.

          i haven’t been on squat juice for ages… have you been on there loggy?


            Yep I went on there the other day when dr b was handing out links, no joke. They had a thread about ddosing PV for its Bday


              Like I said in the other thread


              Lots of friends to chat with, plenty to go out having fun with…………… but when it comes to crunch time, only 2 I know I can trust with anything, would do anything for and know they would do the same for me


                By your definition of friends I have a lot. Too many to count. Proper close friends on the other hand, I have less.


                  @thelog 511101 wrote:

                  Yep I went on there the other day when dr b was handing out links, no joke. They had a thread about ddosing PV for its Bday

                  Are they that sad?

                  NO WAYZ


                    …dupe >.>


                      I have a lot of friends too. I can get on with just about anyone!


                        I have ketafriends, friends who I meet in the K hole. It is the latest form of communication,no more mobile phones required. 2 pople just have to sniff a slug of K and you can speak to each other in there. I had a confernce call the other day with me and six other members of the board. We disuscused our future product of Kext messaging

                        Pat McDonald

                          Do I have many friends?

                          Well, “have” defines possession, “many” is relative, and “friends” can be construed a lot of different ways.

                          Do I know many people who will happily sacrifice themselves for me as they know me to be a worthy person? No.

                          Suits me fine, I find other people only too happy to subvert others to “their” pastimes.

                          Do I know enough people who will help me if I really need it? Yes. Strikes me as a much better state of affairs.


                            So you not my friend then pat?

                            Pat McDonald

                              @thelog 511314 wrote:

                              So you not my friend then pat?

                              I wouldn’t say that. But, in terms of shared life experience, there isn’t a lot there. Online posting… well, I just put out what I feel to be the case. If people want to bullshit, that’s their problem.

                              In terms of mutual life experience (“being techy”) I’d say we have things in common though.


                                Jesus so holy, he love me long time.

                                Tank Girl

                                  I have quite a lot of mates I can chill with and get merry and chat bollox,

                                  Only problem is some of them have kids now, so its a bit more difficult to just rock up these days

                                  I do also have a good few friends who I don’t see for over a year and its like we saw each other the other week,
                                  But these tend to be mates I’ve had for eons – same as the mates who I and they would drop everything to help one another out- as we have done on several occasions

                                  The majority of ‘friends’ I now meet through work I am a little more cautious with as some of them are abit more straight, good people and fun to drink with but ….some ‘oh my world’ are super fantastic, met one last night (lesbian) who told me all about her 3some at the weekend 🙂 happy days she was beaming!!


                                    not really but then I never quite fit in.

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                                  Forums The Vibe Chat Do You Have Many Friends?