As Blair bangs on about how the media spoil his war, showing the wrong sort of pictures, confusion broke out this morning at Mark Wallinger’s opening at the Tate.
Using extensive reference photographs Wallinger has has managed in his work ‘State Britain’ to re-create an exact copy of Brian Haw’s protest camp as it was prior to 23rd May’s police raid. Today’s press call was to encourage us to photograph the art made from the photographs, so to speak.
Except that some art, including horrific birth defects as a result of depleted uranium armaments was off limits. Admission to the launch was dependent on agreeing not to photograph it.
Photos here:weee:
For those of you who dont know, Brian has been living outside Parliament since 2nd June 2001 protesting against the war in Iraq and is the only person who is legally allowed to protest with in the 1km SOCPA no protest zone.