Forums The Vibe Chat ‘Col’ my new best friend

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  • #1199892

      @p0lygon-Window 329307 wrote:

      its a two way thing

      I was here first

      and I have more to say than you (based on current performance anyway)

      Jog on wee man


      Different league


        i dont think im special, i just find u a classic character

        ur like a broken record mate, same stuff over and over


          @p0lygon-Window 329310 wrote:

          i dont think im special, i just find u a classic character

          ur like a broken record mate, same stuff over and over

          Each of my posts are unique. You ain’t got no style.

          All I have heard from you – is the usual Col is bullshit.

          If you wanna play me, then fucking play me, otherwise – fuck off.

          It’s boring

          You are boring

          Boring and prejudiced

          I’m sure that’s the recipe for arsehole


            sending people pms saying ur gonna beat them up? intellectual giant? i think not

            if it is so boring… why are you here?


              @p0lygon-Window 329312 wrote:

              sending people pms saying ur gonna beat them up? intellectual giant? i think not

              if it is so boring… why are you here?

              I never told you I’m gonna beat you up.

              I told you where I’d be all summer if you wanted to raise issues with me.

              Forget the ego talk now kid

              Real world or stfu

              I’ve no time for your shit any more.

              I’m here because I choose to be

              It’s not your forum is it ??



                you really are comedy gold

                  Col;329313 wrote:
                  I’ve no time for your shit any more

                  dont lie


                    tbh looking at ur sj account, all u do is sit on the net arguing all day

                    i honestly feel sorry for you


                      ‘Col wrote:
                      I’m gonna end up upsetting people soon I can feel the game beginning again’

                      wow wow wow this shit just goes on and on and on, and you actually insult me calling me a wee man?

                      g e t a l i f e


                        you are a very sad individual who seems to throughly enjoy arguements and fighting, ill have fun reading through ur sj account…. though it is quite depressing looking at you



                          @p0lygon-Window 329317 wrote:

                          ‘Col wrote:
                          I’m gonna end up upsetting people soon I can feel the game beginning again’

                          wow wow wow this shit just goes on and on and on, and you actually insult me calling me a wee man?

                          g e t a l i f e

                          These games are like 6/7 year old

                          your some fucking newbo with his head up his arse

                          We’ve been raving and taking the piss out of each other for 20 year ya silly twat.

                          You just dont know

                          Partyvibe, guilfin squatjuice, dirty circus – not to mention the various newsgroups – during the dawn of the internet.

                          Yet here you are thinking you are something original and special.

                          Get yerself tae fuck ya dick


                            @p0lygon-Window 329318 wrote:

                            you are a very sad individual who seems to throughly enjoy arguements and fighting, ill have fun reading through ur sj account…. though it is quite depressing looking at you


                            Go through the DC archives too

                            and Indymedia

                            and every other alternative forum or platform you can think of

                            and there I’ll be

                            Yeah you’re fucking original kid

                            real cool cunt eh !





                                Fucking double standards col your talking out of your bloody ass

                                Real world or stfu? Your the one bloody challenging him fucking hell, double standards.

                                Since when has poly claimed he is something special. He is merely stating the obvious – if you find it boring, why are you here. Double standards once again, you seem to target poly as seeing himself as something special, but you never forget to mention things such as you’ve been raving for 20 years

                                Face it, your argument is weak, and if somebody strikes a good blow, you just attack them instead of the argument, any negative point you have about anybody else can be seen in yourself – bigotted, think your something special, etcetera.

                                Now, I do have school today so if your willing to leave a reply when I get back I’m more than happy to read it.

                                Yours TRUTHFULLY,


                                  ….and the beat goes on!!:weee:

                                  General Lighting
                                    Col;329306 wrote:
                                    Is he commenting now ??
                                    I’m pretty sure – he never advocated a value system of the type projected here – by you.

                                    I wouldn’t have commented on this but since people seem to want to drag my name into this thread I am doing so now..

                                    there isn’t any “value system” as such on the rave scene today, its predominantly about music, drugs and hedonism – in hindsight had it been a bit more genuinely “right on” there wouldn’t have been the backlash from wider society! I’d hardly surprised this has happened TBH as in recent times the gap has closed between “party people” and the “townie” scene, the only difference being drugs.

                                    Thats no one individuals fault – merely the way things are.

                                    However, fighting or threatening fights doesn’t result in peace. when two males (of any species) fight for the position of “alpha male” all it results in is uneasy truce even if there is a decisive victory; others will always challenge – you can see that by observing your pets or local wild animals! Humans are supposed to be slightly above that..

                                    if that “hard man” atittude did work then in the wider world Brixton, Toxteth, Handsworth and Bradford would all be multicultural socialist paradises.. or we would have had a decisive victory in Iraq, be paying 50p a litre for petrol and diesel and govt/farmers wouldn’t care a flying fuck how many “free” parties we did on other peoples land / resources as the economy would still be booming.

                                    Assuming the unlikely scenario that a fight did occur at a Midlands party due to this thread I doubt it would please the organisers – it doesn’t when it happens at East Anglian or SE England parties and it has fucked up the hitherto friendly atmosphere of this scene and helped reinforce the culture of violence what led to the eventual zero tolerance clampdown.

                                    BTW the Midlands/North (well anything north of Lynn/Yarmouth) appears to be currently a “safe haven” for parties, it would be deeply ironic if talking up violence at raves in this region led to their demise!

                                    Col – I know deep down you aren’t a muppet and have said a lot of good things in the past, but bear in mind you turned up on here after 2-3 whole years of not posting, and a lot of new young’uns have joined up since them.

                                    When you turned up on here recently you disagreed with some aspects of the new subscription for posting ads – you have every right to do; but rather than PM a mod and explain it was a offer for free tickets (which after some democratic debate would have got cleared for posting) you complained publically, accused us of being “corporate suits” and younger people wanted to defend the policy before mods even had a chance to explain it.

                                    Not all of them know SJ and thus won’t know you for shit or any of the more positive posts you have made, they just see the mask you wish to put on (same as a bobby changes into riot cop uniform to look “harder”).

                                    They also wouldn’t know about your very unfortunate family circumstances (which I now assume are the reason your plans for ventures such as buzz fm fell through!) even I didn’t because I avoided the long arguments on SJ in which they were invariably discussed…

                                    Over the years, you have given the impression, rightly or wrongly that you do not use this site much because it is moderated and that limits “free speech” (again, is this you “wearing the uniform/mask?”) – but accept it is popular enough to plug whatever venture you are currently involved in. You are not by far the only person to do this but others tend not to make such a drama about it!

                                      General Lighting;329336 wrote:
                                      I wouldn’t have commented on this but since people seem to want to drag my name into this thread I am doing so now..

                                      there isn’t any “value system” as such on the rave scene today, its predominantly about music, drugs and hedonism – in hindsight had it been a bit more genuinely “right on” there wouldn’t have been the backlash from wider society! I’d hardly surprised this has happened TBH as in recent times the gap has closed between “party people” and the “townie” scene, the only difference being drugs.

                                      Thats no one individuals fault – merely the way things are.

                                      However, fighting or threatening fights doesn’t result in peace. when two males (of any species) fight for the position of “alpha male” all it results in is uneasy truce even if there is a decisive victory; others will always challenge – you can see that by observing your pets or local wild animals! Humans are supposed to be slightly above that..

                                      if that “hard man” atittude did work then in the wider world Brixton, Toxteth, Handsworth and Bradford would all be multicultural socialist paradises.. or we would have had a decisive victory in Iraq, be paying 50p a litre for petrol and diesel and govt/farmers wouldn’t care a flying fuck how many “free” parties we did on other peoples land / resources as the economy would still be booming.

                                      Assuming the unlikely scenario that a fight did occur at a Midlands party due to this thread I doubt it would please the organisers – it doesn’t when it happens at East Anglian or SE England parties and it has fucked up the hitherto friendly atmosphere of this scene and helped reinforce the culture of violence what led to the eventual zero tolerance clampdown.

                                      BTW the Midlands/North (well anything north of Lynn/Yarmouth) appears to be currently a “safe haven” for parties, it would be deeply ironic if talking up violence at raves in this region led to their demise!

                                      Col – I know deep down you aren’t a muppet and have said a lot of good things in the past, but bear in mind you turned up on here after 2-3 whole years of not posting, and a lot of new young’uns have joined up since them.

                                      When you turned up on here recently you disagreed with some aspects of the new subscription for posting ads – you have every right to do; but rather than PM a mod and explain it was a offer for free tickets (which after some democratic debate would have got cleared for posting) you complained publically, accused us of being “corporate suits” and younger people wanted to defend the policy before mods even had a chance to explain it.

                                      Not all of them know SJ and thus won’t know you for shit or any of the more positive posts you have made, they just see the mask you wish to put on (same as a bobby changes into riot cop uniform to look “harder”).

                                      They also wouldn’t know about your very unfortunate family circumstances (which I now assume are the reason your plans for ventures such as buzz fm fell through!) even I didn’t because I avoided the long arguments on SJ in which they were invariably discussed…

                                      Over the years, you have given the impression, rightly or wrongly that you do not use this site much because it is moderated and that limits “free speech” (again, is this you “wearing the uniform/mask?”) – but accept it is popular enough to plug whatever venture you are currently involved in. You are not by far the only person to do this but others tend not to make such a drama about it!

                                      :sign0098: Well said and that is what we call a full stop :sign0074:

                                        benbear;329352 wrote:
                                        :sign0098: Well said and that is what we call a full stop :sign0074:



                                          Col;329294 wrote:
                                          I’ll be all over the Midlands this summer.

                                          Lord have mercy on my soul :hopeless:

                                            ellie;329357 wrote:
                                            Lord have mercy on my soul :hopeless:



                                              p0lygon-Window;329358 wrote:


                                              lol sorry, posted that before i ready the last page of posts :laugh_at:

                                                ellie;329359 wrote:
                                                lol sorry, posted that before i ready the last page of posts :laugh_at:

                                                no problem

                                                well i cant speak for col

                                                  p0lygon-Window;329362 wrote:
                                                  no problem

                                                  well i cant speak for col

                                                  this thread is too addictive… the dirtiest drug around i’d say.

                                                  The man drives me insane but i find myself having to read on!

                                                  must….resist…winding…him…up :crazy:

                                                    ellie;329363 wrote:
                                                    this thread is too addictive… the dirtiest drug around i’d say.

                                                    The man drives me insane but i find myself having to read on!

                                                    must….resist…winding…him…up :crazy:

                                                    i dont think its possible


                                                    look through this guys sj post history, arguing seems to be his life

                                                    quite sad to honest

                                                    i dont think im special or better than any other of his trolls blah blah blah he just makes all these assumptions about me thinking he is some intellectual heavyweight…. he just needs to sort it out big time

                                                    i can admit i was being stupid and pathetic and childish on this thread but Sir Colin has too much of an ego to ever admit something like that


                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      I wouldn’t have commented on this but since people seem to want to drag my name into this thread I am doing so now..

                                                      “People” meaning me – You can refer to me by name you know.

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      there isn’t any “value system” as such on the rave scene today, its predominantly about music, drugs and hedonism – in hindsight had it been a bit more genuinely “right on” there wouldn’t have been the backlash from wider society! I’d hardly surprised this has happened TBH as in recent times the gap has closed between “party people” and the “townie” scene, the only difference being drugs.

                                                      Thats no one individuals fault – merely the way things are.

                                                      That’s entirely subjective tbh and those sorts of observations, can only really be made – with any accuracy – based on personal experience / parties attended. I’ve attended several events, over recent years – that would suggest otherwise.

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      However, fighting or threatening fights doesn’t result in peace. when two males (of any species) fight for the position of “alpha male” all it results in is uneasy truce even if there is a decisive victory; others will always challenge – you can see that by observing your pets or local wild animals! Humans are supposed to be slightly above that..

                                                      Are you seriously suggesting that, I’m engaged in a battle for alpha male ? Perhaps you’re just philosophising, or thinking out loud – or in abstract terms, because, there is no way I’d fight for alpha, when at the core of my beliefs, lies the belief that – heirarchal structures, are what have got humanity into this current mess. Even during my activist days, I would never work with any groups – that had any sort of definitive heirarchal structure.

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      Assuming the unlikely scenario that a fight did occur at a Midlands party due to this thread I doubt it would please the organisers – it doesn’t when it happens at East Anglian or SE England parties and it has fucked up the hitherto friendly atmosphere of this scene and helped reinforce the culture of violence what led to the eventual zero tolerance clampdown.

                                                      BTW the Midlands/North (well anything north of Lynn/Yarmouth) appears to be currently a “safe haven” for parties, it would be deeply ironic if talking up violence at raves in this region led to their demise!

                                                      They are safe havens and with good reason. Most of us up here who actually put stuff on – keep a fairly loose network together – that has a long history of co-operation and shared ideals. If, in the unlikely event a fight were to occur, as a result of this thread (and let’s face it, nothing really serious or offensive has been said to this point – that would warrant such behaviour) it would always be away from the rig and up some woodland path eh.

                                                      Nobody is talking up violence. I’ve made my boundaries quite clear. Family threats / insults etc as previously stated – are something I find deeply offensive and very personal. It has no place in a reasoned discussion – regardless of – the heated nature of that particular discussion.

                                                      Telling each other to jog on, fuck off and general name calling etc etc directed at the individual you are debating with – is as essential to the discussion process – as expressing a more considered view.

                                                      After all, if everyone just agreed on everything – what would we have left to discuss ?

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      Col – I know deep down you aren’t a muppet and have said a lot of good things in the past, but bear in mind you turned up on here after 2-3 whole years of not posting, and a lot of new young’uns have joined up since them.

                                                      When you turned up on here recently you disagreed with some aspects of the new subscription for posting ads – you have every right to do; but rather than PM a mod and explain it was a offer for free tickets (which after some democratic debate would have got cleared for posting) you complained publically, accused us of being “corporate suits” and younger people wanted to defend the policy before mods even had a chance to explain it.

                                                      It did occur to you – that I was being intentionally contentious, in order to provoke discussion on the subject – didn’t it ? You know my M.O. It’s not really – ever changed.

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      Not all of them know SJ and thus won’t know you for shit or any of the more positive posts you have made, they just see the mask you wish to put on (same as a bobby changes into riot cop uniform to look “harder”).

                                                      I think you, of all people, can appreciate – why certain masks are worn. I’ve had to develop a hard shell – for sticking true to my beliefs and never being afraid to express them. The other masks are intentionally inflammatory or provoking. Mainly, to make some headroom, for a wider discussion, on a subject, I’m interested in challenging my own views on.

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      They also wouldn’t know about your very unfortunate family circumstances (which I now assume are the reason your plans for ventures such as buzz fm fell through!) even I didn’t because I avoided the long arguments on SJ in which they were invariably discussed…

                                                      I had to drop everything, naturally. People might think I over reacted to the whole “mum” joke but, she doesn’t actually have all that long left. Some jokes are very badly timed and completely unneccassary anyway.

                                                      @General Lighting 329336 wrote:

                                                      Over the years, you have given the impression, rightly or wrongly that you do not use this site much because it is moderated and that limits “free speech” (again, is this you “wearing the uniform/mask?”) – but accept it is popular enough to plug whatever venture you are currently involved in. You are not by far the only person to do this but others tend not to make such a drama about it!

                                                      Again, wearing a mask to incite discussion – is no bad thing. It’s always done with honourable intentions. It’s rarely mindless and just for “teh lolz”. There is usually – always a point to it.

                                                      I can’t help it – if some people don’t get it though. I try to accommodate everyone but – sometimes they are just not receptive to something or somebody – a little different to themselves.

                                                      With regards to not posting here regularly and the whole free speech thing – It’s more to do with things being over moderated at times.

                                                      As for plugging an event – It’s not like I’ve asked often and I have attempted to give something back to the partyvibe community in the past. Be it monetary contribution, flash banner design or just generally – expressing a view and sharing a part of myself.

                                                      From my perspective, it almost looks as if PV is happy to take but – not to give anything in return. I’m not saying this is the case but, I only asked for a simple favour and look at the melee – that has created.

                                                      Anyway, rant over. Hope you’re well.


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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat ‘Col’ my new best friend