Forums The Vibe Chat Carl Cox in Caracas shooting

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  • #1042805
    General Lighting

      check this


      that isn’t fireworks..

      this is some news in English (I’m not sure where Caracas actually is (S America somewhere?) but the other sources were in Spanish and I unfortunately don’t know enough to understand it properly

      The soundtrack speaks for itself though, thats pretty much an entire clip of bullets shot into the crowd

      Unfortunately for us in Europe I don’t think the fact that it happend in a “far away foreign country” makes any difference, the cops/authorities also “think global and act local” and this is yet another bit of bad publicity for the dance music scene (mind you this time last year my local nightclub was shot up and subsequently closed down..)


        This is totally sickening. My thoughts go out to all involved. Can’t imagine somthing on that level happening whilst partying. It goes against everything. Just horrible 😥
        Btw – only found one news story, apart from the actual video footage on youtube. News travels slow over there maybe.


          This is totally sickening. My thoughts go out to all involved. Can’t imagine somthing on that level happening whilst partying. It goes against everything. Just horrible 😥
          Btw – only found one news story, apart from the actual video footage on youtube. News travels slow over there maybe.

          General Lighting
            2old4this! wrote:
            This is totally sickening. My thoughts go out to all involved. Can’t imagine somthing on that level happening whilst partying. It goes against everything. Just horrible 😥

            Its unfortunately fairly common on the UK Garage scene, to the point where in London loads of nights are stopped on the orders of Scotland Yard (they have even used CJA powers against legal events) for “safety reasons”

            This time last year it happened down the road from me in Zest nightclub, place got an immediate closure order, permanently closed with 50 jobs and a major dance music venue in East Anglia permanently lost…

            It does seem more shocking when a different genre of music is involved but TBH I think it could happen anywhere at any large gathering where there is a macho culture and young men routinely carry guns.

            General Lighting
              2old4this! wrote:
              This is totally sickening. My thoughts go out to all involved. Can’t imagine somthing on that level happening whilst partying. It goes against everything. Just horrible 😥

              Its unfortunately fairly common on the UK Garage scene, to the point where in London loads of nights are stopped on the orders of Scotland Yard (they have even used CJA powers against legal events) for “safety reasons”

              This time last year it happened down the road from me in Zest nightclub, place got an immediate closure order, permanently closed with 50 jobs and a major dance music venue in East Anglia permanently lost…

              It does seem more shocking when a different genre of music is involved but TBH I think it could happen anywhere at any large gathering where there is a macho culture and young men routinely carry guns.



                Was that another gun shot near the end of the video ?



                  Was that another gun shot near the end of the video ?


                    That’s just terrible

                    Crazy how things like that can happen :you_crazy


                      That’s just terrible

                      Crazy how things like that can happen :you_crazy

                          Techno Viking

                            The clip’s gone…

                            Techno Viking

                              The clip’s gone…

                              General Lighting

                                found another copy here


                                Unless its the law in their country the video should not be broadcast whilst an active investigation is under way (in which case then their authorities should contact youtube) I don’t think this sort of thing should be hidden..

                                (Edit: apparently the first version got removed as someone flagged it as “too violent” for youtube)

                                I’ve since sussed out Caracas is in Venezuela (I thought initially it was in the Balearic Islands!) but I don’t think people can say “its just a Third World Country” or “its deprived”.

                                this could happen (has happened) in a club in London, Manchester or Reading…

                                its a big shame too as Mr Chavez is probably only just experimenting with allowing the youth of his nation freedom of expression to have stuff like raves and now his government will think they are a crime risk…

                                Carl Cox, from his website wrote:
                                “I am deeply shocked and still stunned by the events of Saturday [3rd November]. My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in the horrific act that took place at this gig. I am informed that it was gang related, and feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7000 people having fun. I find it such a sad moment in electronic music as this was probably one of the best set up shows I had played in South America – a sign of real progress…yet utterly hijacked by this mindless act. Again, my heart goes out to those that have died or been injured. This is NOT what the dance scene is about and is a million miles away from what I want to do, or promote.”


                                General Lighting

                                  found another copy here


                                  Unless its the law in their country the video should not be broadcast whilst an active investigation is under way (in which case then their authorities should contact youtube) I don’t think this sort of thing should be hidden..

                                  (Edit: apparently the first version got removed as someone flagged it as “too violent” for youtube)

                                  I’ve since sussed out Caracas is in Venezuela (I thought initially it was in the Balearic Islands!) but I don’t think people can say “its just a Third World Country” or “its deprived”.

                                  this could happen (has happened) in a club in London, Manchester or Reading…

                                  its a big shame too as Mr Chavez is probably only just experimenting with allowing the youth of his nation freedom of expression to have stuff like raves and now his government will think they are a crime risk…

                                  Carl Cox, from his website wrote:
                                  “I am deeply shocked and still stunned by the events of Saturday [3rd November]. My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in the horrific act that took place at this gig. I am informed that it was gang related, and feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7000 people having fun. I find it such a sad moment in electronic music as this was probably one of the best set up shows I had played in South America – a sign of real progress…yet utterly hijacked by this mindless act. Again, my heart goes out to those that have died or been injured. This is NOT what the dance scene is about and is a million miles away from what I want to do, or promote.”


                                  Tek Offensive

                                    thats really fucked up. did this only happen 2 days ago?!

                                    must have been pretty damn disturbing seeing them two bodies just lying there as everyone ran.

                                    Tek Offensive

                                      thats really fucked up. did this only happen 2 days ago?!

                                      must have been pretty damn disturbing seeing them two bodies just lying there as everyone ran.

                                      General Lighting
                                        Tek Offensive wrote:
                                        thats really fucked up. did this only happen 2 days ago?!

                                        yep. it was apparently a targeted gang attack, the worst part of it is that rounds discharged at close range like that will hit lots of innocent people as well.

                                        Bullets also have a habit of “overpenetrating” where they go through one person or even a solid object and then go on to injure or even kill a second.. This happened at a London (UK Garage) party on one New Years Eve (around 2002/2003 I think). The promoter actually shot a DJ because of perceived “disrespect!” :you_crazy He was using a Soviet pistol chambered for AK47 rifle rounds which are extremely powerful for their size. The round killed the DJ, went straight through a solid wall and killed some innocent chap the other side of the wall.

                                        The promoter got 20 years inside (10 for each person)

                                        must have been pretty damn disturbing seeing them two bodies just lying there as everyone ran.

                                        definitly, I feel quite sorry for old Coxy, as that sort of thing will stay in his mind for years.

                                        On a far lesser scale when I was more into going to London squat parties I was seeing a lot of claret spilt due to fights, robberies etc and this sort of shit was proper fucking with my head for a while (was getting nightmared and everything).

                                        I suspect the only reason London squat parties don’t get shot up is that guns and bullets are expensive here in England as well as illegal and not that easy to get… its not really worth gangsters bothering with shooting people for a second-hand mobile or ketamine when they can just rifle k-heads pockets.

                                        There have been guns brandished at London parties though but most are just replicas. There is always usually a “Trojan” (armed) police unit waiting to deal with any London squat parties if things get really ugly (I’ve seen them lurking in the background even at raves done by the safer London crews)

                                        General Lighting
                                          Tek Offensive wrote:
                                          thats really fucked up. did this only happen 2 days ago?!

                                          yep. it was apparently a targeted gang attack, the worst part of it is that rounds discharged at close range like that will hit lots of innocent people as well.

                                          Bullets also have a habit of “overpenetrating” where they go through one person or even a solid object and then go on to injure or even kill a second.. This happened at a London (UK Garage) party on one New Years Eve (around 2002/2003 I think). The promoter actually shot a DJ because of perceived “disrespect!” :you_crazy He was using a Soviet pistol chambered for AK47 rifle rounds which are extremely powerful for their size. The round killed the DJ, went straight through a solid wall and killed some innocent chap the other side of the wall.

                                          The promoter got 20 years inside (10 for each person)

                                          must have been pretty damn disturbing seeing them two bodies just lying there as everyone ran.

                                          definitly, I feel quite sorry for old Coxy, as that sort of thing will stay in his mind for years.

                                          On a far lesser scale when I was more into going to London squat parties I was seeing a lot of claret spilt due to fights, robberies etc and this sort of shit was proper fucking with my head for a while (was getting nightmared and everything).

                                          I suspect the only reason London squat parties don’t get shot up is that guns and bullets are expensive here in England as well as illegal and not that easy to get… its not really worth gangsters bothering with shooting people for a second-hand mobile or ketamine when they can just rifle k-heads pockets.

                                          There have been guns brandished at London parties though but most are just replicas. There is always usually a “Trojan” (armed) police unit waiting to deal with any London squat parties if things get really ugly (I’ve seen them lurking in the background even at raves done by the safer London crews)

                                            BBC News wrote:
                                            DJ Carl Cox has said he is “deeply shocked” after four people were shot dead and nine were injured during his set in a club in Venezuela.

                                            Cox was headlining the Red Noise event in Caracas on Saturday when gunmen opened fire on the audience.

                                            Police have not released any details on the events surrounding the shooting, but it is believed to be gang-related.

                                            “My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in the horrific act that took place at this gig,” Cox said.

                                            In a statement, the DJ added: “I feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7,000 people having fun.

                                            ‘Sad moment’

                                            “I find it such a sad moment in electronic music as this was probably one of the best set up shows I had played in South America – a sign of real progress – yet utterly hijacked by this mindless act.

                                            “Again, my heart goes out to those that have died or been injured. This is not what the dance scene is about and is a million miles away from what I want to do, or promote.”

                                            Vanesa Nieves, 24, Jose Rodriguez, 42, and Jonathan Gomez, 20, have been identified as the victims of the shooting, according to Venezuelan media, while a fourth has yet to be officially confirmed.
                                            Police are launching a full investigation into the incident

                                            I hadn’t even seen it in the news until i read this….

                                              BBC News wrote:
                                              DJ Carl Cox has said he is “deeply shocked” after four people were shot dead and nine were injured during his set in a club in Venezuela.

                                              Cox was headlining the Red Noise event in Caracas on Saturday when gunmen opened fire on the audience.

                                              Police have not released any details on the events surrounding the shooting, but it is believed to be gang-related.

                                              “My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in the horrific act that took place at this gig,” Cox said.

                                              In a statement, the DJ added: “I feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7,000 people having fun.

                                              ‘Sad moment’

                                              “I find it such a sad moment in electronic music as this was probably one of the best set up shows I had played in South America – a sign of real progress – yet utterly hijacked by this mindless act.

                                              “Again, my heart goes out to those that have died or been injured. This is not what the dance scene is about and is a million miles away from what I want to do, or promote.”

                                              Vanesa Nieves, 24, Jose Rodriguez, 42, and Jonathan Gomez, 20, have been identified as the victims of the shooting, according to Venezuelan media, while a fourth has yet to be officially confirmed.
                                              Police are launching a full investigation into the incident

                                              I hadn’t even seen it in the news until i read this….

                                              General Lighting
                                                starlaugh wrote:
                                                I hadn’t even seen it in the news until i read this….

                                                if it hadn’t been coxy playing it probably wouldn’t have made the news, particularly as it happened in a foreign country where there was a riot the same weekend.. although it is now all across the world media

                                                Actually you get an incident like this every weekend in London on the UK garage/RNB club scene but it often only makes the local papers..

                                                General Lighting
                                                  starlaugh wrote:
                                                  I hadn’t even seen it in the news until i read this….

                                                  if it hadn’t been coxy playing it probably wouldn’t have made the news, particularly as it happened in a foreign country where there was a riot the same weekend.. although it is now all across the world media

                                                  Actually you get an incident like this every weekend in London on the UK garage/RNB club scene but it often only makes the local papers..

                                                  Playground Politics

                                                    thats pretty bad, u have to search you tube for a good vid, cos they keep on taking them off the servers, but u cant stop the internet! hahahaha, loadsa ppl carry guns in those countrys, but what a bad trip you would be on seeing the guy next to u die on a night out, those gangs are fucking selfish!

                                                    Playground Politics

                                                      thats pretty bad, u have to search you tube for a good vid, cos they keep on taking them off the servers, but u cant stop the internet! hahahaha, loadsa ppl carry guns in those countrys, but what a bad trip you would be on seeing the guy next to u die on a night out, those gangs are fucking selfish!

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Carl Cox in Caracas shooting