› Forums › The Vibe › Chat › Burnt Fce Man!
absolute genius, from david firth, the man that brought you salad fingers ( [url=”http://www.fat-pie,com”%5Dwww.fat-pie,com%5B/url%5D) and i hate austrailians ( http://stupidaussies.curvedspaces.com/index.html)
take that cime, you shit!
ps: dunno if anyones heard shitmatts burbury ep, but he samples devvo out of fatpie, and now firth has made a vid for it!
damn i spelt the title wrong.
wheres the little smiley box gone?
:laugh_at:that is immense
I like “Spolisbury Toast Boy” (I think that’s it)
Haven’t been on there for a while actually. Hope there is plenty of new stuff.
I’ve been lookin on that site 4 a while it’s fuckin hilarious, neva watched cartoons so fucked up in all my life, quality.
If ur into them try (http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/) magical trevor is a god! :lol_teeth