Forums The Vibe Subscribers Birthday Week of Radio

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  • #1039981

      The schedule (as it stands) is now up.

      There are a few people who still haven’t got back to me yet and I’ve only just asked sig jammer to get involved too.

      Globaloon: it would be good if you could have a look at what times are available and fit some shows in. If you can pick a particular time and date then that’s even better because I can put it up in the schedule.

      Hugh: I would like to alter Gooddogs text for his radio show to make it more “birthday like” but i cannot edit it and neither can he (or delete it). Is it possible for me to get admin rights to the radio schedule? Sorry to hassle you at such a time, I’m not expecting you to get round to this so no worries if this doesn’t get sorted.

      Raj: I’m right in thinking you will be involved in the sunday sesh yes? Can you sort out with gooddog how things are going to run and put up a notice for your show in the schedule?

      Thanks all.


        Cool i’m just finishing off ma birthday show flyer should have it up by tonight..:wink:


          Yes Bio :weee:

          I will sort it out with GD today and post this evening :obey:



            Just put in a quick birthday one.. will update it with the other one later on tonight.. :love:

              BioTech wrote:
              Globaloon: it would be good if you could have a look at what times are available and fit some shows in. If you can pick a particular time and date then that’s even better because I can put it up in the schedule.

              there’s already shows every evening until reasonabley late, so unless someone drops out at the last minute, i’ll leave it

              Techno Viking
                BioTech wrote:
                The schedule (as it stands) is now up.

                There are a few people who still haven’t got back to me yet and I’ve only just asked sig jammer to get involved too.

                Globaloon: it would be good if you could have a look at what times are available and fit some shows in. If you can pick a particular time and date then that’s even better because I can put it up in the schedule.

                Hugh: I would like to alter Gooddogs text for his radio show to make it more “birthday like” but i cannot edit it and neither can he (or delete it). Is it possible for me to get admin rights to the radio schedule? Sorry to hassle you at such a time, I’m not expecting you to get round to this so no worries if this doesn’t get sorted.

                Raj: I’m right in thinking you will be involved in the sunday sesh yes? Can you sort out with gooddog how things are going to run and put up a notice for your show in the schedule?

                Thanks all.

                Moderators should have had that right already. Try it now, I’ve made a change…

                  Dr Bunsen wrote:
                  Moderators should have had that right already. Try it now, I’ve made a change…

                  Still no joy I’m afraid.


                    I’ve only ever been able to alter my own in the calendar

                    Techno Viking

                      That’s right it seems only full administrators can edit other people’s calendar entries so I’ve given you those rights, enjoy…


                        Hehe an u’ve changed colour with it too Biotech.. lol


                          Yes I had noticed. For a short period of time I was a slightly brighter shade of yellow than everyone else too. I felt special briefly. Now I’m just run of the mill. 😉


                            Yeah last time i checked u were YELLOW.. now u slightly orangy…


                              It suits you 😉


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                            Forums The Vibe Subscribers Birthday Week of Radio