Forums The Vibe Chat anyone who went to french tek 09

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  • #1047351

      oi oi!

      if anyone went to french tek this year, can you remember the name of the rig that had massive plumes of fire projecting from it?

      they had a website that id really like to check out however puting in “fire rig” into google is not yielding any results!

      much love


        It got seized I know that much lol.

        Ruff Beat Provider
          Dom_sufc;329457 wrote:
          It got seized I know that much lol.


            Dom_sufc;329457 wrote:
            It got seized I know that much lol.

            savage! more details though please!

              Dom_sufc;329457 wrote:
              It got seized I know that much lol.

              lol. :-/

                djprocess;329481 wrote:
                lol. :-/

                not much to lol bout, that rig was a beauty!!

                  Minghead;329482 wrote:
                  not much to lol bout, that rig was a beauty!!

                  exactly. 🙁

                    djprocess;329485 wrote:
                    exactly. 🙁

                    innit! did you see it aswell! it quite literally knocked my dam eyes out! on the saturday night we were getting messy at the truck and all of a sudden the sky just lit up! i quite literally ran to the source of it! and didnt stop dancing at it for a fair few hours!!!


                      nah, i didnt go, wish i had, sounds like theres gonna be a lot less systems at next years… :hopeless:

                        djprocess;329495 wrote:
                        nah, i didnt go, wish i had, sounds like theres gonna be a lot less systems at next years… :hopeless:

                        innit! well im keeping my eye on the august one see what happens there, i think itll be a good teller of what will happen next year!

                        Tek Offensive

                          i did have a sticker from the system on my phone till last week,

                          it was http://WWW.RAPT.EU or something,

                          General Lighting

                            thats the one. if you want music go to télécharger (download), it the links work in the same way as our downloads do (right click). Photos and videos are self explanatory.

                            Interesting stuff there about the history of the crew and people if you read French.

                            I won’t translate it yet or spread too much info on there just in case they end up needing to take the site down as they are presumably facing a Court case due to having their rig seized and any bit of evidence could be used against them. French authorities may have given some leeway in the past but they can be way harsher than ours!

                            there is a link there asking for donations for the seized systems. Also any news I find about the developments I will try and translate, unless any of the French ravers wish to do so…

                              General Lighting;329581 wrote:
                              thats the one. if you want music go to télécharger (download), it the links work in the same way as our downloads do (right click). Photos and videos are self explanatory.

                              Interesting stuff there about the history of the crew and people if you read French.

                              I won’t translate it yet or spread too much info on there just in case they end up needing to take the site down as they are presumably facing a Court case due to having their rig seized and any bit of evidence could be used against them. French authorities may have given some leeway in the past but they can be way harsher than ours!

                              there is a link there asking for donations for the seized systems. Also any news I find about the developments I will try and translate, unless any of the French ravers wish to do so…

                              get in! may thanks my friend, its harsh when you put soo much effort in enjoying people having a good time and then someone has the lot off ya! savage, ill be making donations,

                              thanks for the info/link

                              General Lighting

                                to be fair it was Tek Offensive who found the link….

                                I have never attended a Frenchtek myself due to work pressures and other issues regarding the size/friendliness of the event and its impact on the locals (same as in England), being able to understand French can be a “curse” as well as a blessing as I can read both sides of the argument..

                                Massive stacks and crowds aren’t everything (if you look at my discussions with French raver 665 on here you will see what we are getting at). That said the French do put a lot more effort into their décor and design than we do!

                                it is going to be hard for them to cope as looking at the site they were given much more tolerance than the UK, although reading other news it does look like the new govt (sarkozky) is clamping down..

                                  General Lighting;329750 wrote:
                                  to be fair it was Tek Offensive who found the link….

                                  I have never attended a Frenchtek myself due to work pressures and other issues regarding the size/friendliness of the event and its impact on the locals (same as in England), being able to understand French can be a “curse” as well as a blessing as I can read both sides of the argument..

                                  Massive stacks and crowds aren’t everything (if you look at my discussions with French raver 665 on here you will see what we are getting at). That said the French do put a lot more effort into their décor and design than we do!

                                  it is going to be hard for them to cope as looking at the site they were given much more tolerance than the UK, although reading other news it does look like the new govt (sarkozky) is clamping down..

                                  ohh yeah i completely know where your coming from mate, the french put alot more effort into decor, however british sound systems get the better sound imo, we put our rigs on the ground they elevate theirs, loosing bass pressure! horses for courses a spose!

                                  this was my 1st french tek as i have never agreed with them, letting the goverment dictate to you where & when you can party is something ive allways though goes against what i belive in & why io do what i do! i have been to czek tek and partyed in eastern bloc countries, because the people have been oppressed they are very open to haveing fun and having the parties, having said that some of the french people we met were amazing, so welcoming, and certanly more open to new comers/forighners than us english! puts us to shame really!




                                      DaftFader;329815 wrote:


                                      exactly! i was at the truck on staurday night and they fired up the flame, it lit up the sky! my mate was trying to get me to stay in the truck and do sum cid, i said fuck that and quite literally ran across 2 fileds to get to that rig! and i didnt move from it till about 6 in the morning! stomping on me own! i missed all our crews sets on the english link up but hey the picture says it all!



                                        lol that thing looks awe inspireing … !!!!!!!!

                                        Tank Girl
                                          DaftFader;329815 wrote:



                                            DaftFader;329824 wrote:
                                            lol that thing looks awe inspireing … !!!!!!!!

                                            mate words cannot describe!

                                            methinks tank girl summed it up perfectly!

                                            Tek Offensive

                                              its a shame if that rig got siezed, they must have spent enuff money on fuel for the fire alone, i bet each time it went up it cost em a good few quid.

                                              General Lighting

                                                wouldn’t be so much the cost of the fuel but the work and resources involved in making that safe.

                                                I bet if some of the crews here tried it in England it would at the very least result in something getting lit on fire what shouldn’t be, and at worst case end up with ravers achieving exactly what Al-Quaeda failed to do with their gas cylinders!



                                                    General Lighting;329863 wrote:
                                                    wouldn’t be so much the cost of the fuel but the work and resources involved in making that safe.

                                                    I bet if some of the crews here tried it in England it would at the very least result in something getting lit on fire what shouldn’t be, and at worst case end up with ravers achieving exactly what Al-Quaeda failed to do with their gas cylinders!

                                                    i really wanna say your wrong!

                                                    i do have faith in people, but that was something else!

                                                    i dunno, im not passing judgement id like to think we could do something on that scale here in the good ol uk!

                                                    too much wonky about though! :laugh_at:

                                                    General Lighting
                                                      Minghead;329874 wrote:
                                                      too much wonky about though! :laugh_at:

                                                      thats the big problem. Crews here can just about get rigs together but there’s been a lot of dumbing down lately, and people what genuinely enjoy the more dysfunctional side of raves than the creative side of it….

                                                      however its not actually that much better the other side of the Channel as from reading their own forums a while back French ravers are getting dragged down by heroin to a extent and they have rig politics/problems/crime too

                                                      but in the UK there is much more emphasis placed on the sound and less on lights etc.

                                                      Also bear in mind that until recently French raves were tolerated more so there wasn’t so much risk to their resources – for instance if a UK crew done a website with so much info on it they would be busted and all the info used against them..

                                                      setting up something like that gas jet (although its actually a fairly common object used in movie/stage special effects) is far from trivial if its going to be safe…

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat anyone who went to french tek 09