still feel a bit knackered.
Strawberry fair + my first “bumpkin” rave and I managed to get fairly hammered (after 2 months of being good…)
TBH I don’t feel particularly ill/unhealthy but fatigue/makes it hard to concentrate on work during the week and now I have a more “responsible” job. (it involves ensuring lots of peoples bills are paid and updating accounting systems and asI am the finance manager here so I have to get the numbers right!) Also this week I have to move offices and make sure all the computers and telephones work in the new location.
May have to cut back on raving for a while or maybe only do it every 2 months or so 🙁
Annoying as I neither feel old or look “old” but I suppose you have to grow up sometime. 15 years from the days rave started isn’t bad going; and at least I’ve managed not to screw up my life too badly!