- This topic has 52 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated August 20, 2007 at 6:21 pm by DoubleDrop.
August 14, 2007 at 5:34 pm #1118235
a fair few ravers just get bored and join the forces for the reasons DD stated. some even join the civillian uniformed services – including the Police! Most of them don’t return to the party scene or alternative lifestyles for obvious reasons – and for many their mindsets change to support the system.
Of course the current war isn’t a good thing and it can be argued its for the wrong reasons – but realistically the British and American people (even those who claimned not to support the war) are as guilty as Blair/Brown/Bush as many have consistently refused any limitations on the consumer society, the real driver behind this war to secure oil resources.
I think society is brutal enough today that even if Blair had said honestly “we are fighting this war to secure oil resources and defend our Western lifestyles” at least half the nation would still have supported it (even with a heavy heart). As for America, a common slogan in the First Gulf War (the one that happened in 1991, and few people protested against because those of us who were then teens we were all busy just getting high) was “kick their ass and take their gas”.
How many “anti-war” types recently bought a new gadget like a computer or mobile phone, or travelled hundreds of miles to a party, perhaps even to one in a foreign country using a cheap flight?
Also if you are looking at the moral side of it the rave/party/drugs culture has its own issues.
Whilst most ravers/drug users don’t go around killing people (or they end up in jail), we do take matters into our own hands to go against a UN resolution (the one that says drugs are illegal), and we take drugs knowing that at the higher levels of dealing a lot of people die in turf wars and gang disputes.
Even if this is because of prohibition I have encountered lots of people (particularly “small time/middle level) dealers who enjoy the “gangsta image” (including the use of violence in some cases, I’ve seen people enforce debts in my old city and its not a pretty sight) – so in many cases we are still contributing to war and conflict with our lifestyles…
What about when people kick off at friends/family on comedowns or the costs that the NHS pick up because of individuals who can’t regulate their own use and end up requiring treatment?
Thats not obvious “blood on peoples hands” but a lot of lives (including families) are wholly fucked up that way – we are all fighting against the war on drugs – but the families of addicts don’t want to “give in to the druggies”, so we are also fighting these “civillians”.
Its not a black and white issue either. You can never tell what happens in life sometimes.
You could join the forces and even if you end up in Basra never have to fire a shot in anger (or you could just end up sat in barracks or maybe even doing something positive like helping out after floods)…
But as a “fluffy raver” you could be put in a situation where you injure or even kill someone in self-defence at a sketchy squat party, or end up sorting your best mate out some drugs that they OD or go psycho on.. (especially with these research chemicals)
August 14, 2007 at 5:34 pm #1138962a fair few ravers just get bored and join the forces for the reasons DD stated. some even join the civillian uniformed services – including the Police! Most of them don’t return to the party scene or alternative lifestyles for obvious reasons – and for many their mindsets change to support the system.
Of course the current war isn’t a good thing and it can be argued its for the wrong reasons – but realistically the British and American people (even those who claimned not to support the war) are as guilty as Blair/Brown/Bush as many have consistently refused any limitations on the consumer society, the real driver behind this war to secure oil resources.
I think society is brutal enough today that even if Blair had said honestly “we are fighting this war to secure oil resources and defend our Western lifestyles” at least half the nation would still have supported it (even with a heavy heart). As for America, a common slogan in the First Gulf War (the one that happened in 1991, and few people protested against because those of us who were then teens we were all busy just getting high) was “kick their ass and take their gas”.
How many “anti-war” types recently bought a new gadget like a computer or mobile phone, or travelled hundreds of miles to a party, perhaps even to one in a foreign country using a cheap flight?
Also if you are looking at the moral side of it the rave/party/drugs culture has its own issues.
Whilst most ravers/drug users don’t go around killing people (or they end up in jail), we do take matters into our own hands to go against a UN resolution (the one that says drugs are illegal), and we take drugs knowing that at the higher levels of dealing a lot of people die in turf wars and gang disputes.
Even if this is because of prohibition I have encountered lots of people (particularly “small time/middle level) dealers who enjoy the “gangsta image” (including the use of violence in some cases, I’ve seen people enforce debts in my old city and its not a pretty sight) – so in many cases we are still contributing to war and conflict with our lifestyles…
What about when people kick off at friends/family on comedowns or the costs that the NHS pick up because of individuals who can’t regulate their own use and end up requiring treatment?
Thats not obvious “blood on peoples hands” but a lot of lives (including families) are wholly fucked up that way – we are all fighting against the war on drugs – but the families of addicts don’t want to “give in to the druggies”, so we are also fighting these “civillians”.
Its not a black and white issue either. You can never tell what happens in life sometimes.
You could join the forces and even if you end up in Basra never have to fire a shot in anger (or you could just end up sat in barracks or maybe even doing something positive like helping out after floods)…
But as a “fluffy raver” you could be put in a situation where you injure or even kill someone in self-defence at a sketchy squat party, or end up sorting your best mate out some drugs that they OD or go psycho on.. (especially with these research chemicals)
August 14, 2007 at 6:34 pm #1118255i have seen quite a few of my friends go off the deep end and some havent come back, but i was there with them most of the time and they jus got greedy. we used to joke about it but i mean good mates one second and then they dont know who the fuk you are. thats not the reason, im am looking for something to dedicate myself too as i have a really big problem with sticking at things, i can normally get away with pretty much what i want but like jobs and things i can do it but get sooooo bored i end up quiting and then wen i think ive found something i just turns out the same. my way of thinking about this is like if im there , i cant just pack up and go, i will be made to do it and do it well which i know i can do but jus need a kick up the ass to do it, i think lol im like 98% sure this is what i want unless any1 has any ideas ?? lol
August 14, 2007 at 6:34 pm #1138983i have seen quite a few of my friends go off the deep end and some havent come back, but i was there with them most of the time and they jus got greedy. we used to joke about it but i mean good mates one second and then they dont know who the fuk you are. thats not the reason, im am looking for something to dedicate myself too as i have a really big problem with sticking at things, i can normally get away with pretty much what i want but like jobs and things i can do it but get sooooo bored i end up quiting and then wen i think ive found something i just turns out the same. my way of thinking about this is like if im there , i cant just pack up and go, i will be made to do it and do it well which i know i can do but jus need a kick up the ass to do it, i think lol im like 98% sure this is what i want unless any1 has any ideas ?? lol
August 14, 2007 at 6:43 pm #1118236DoubleDrop 🙂 wrote:i cant just pack up and go, i will be made to do it and do it well which i know i can do but jus need a kick up the ass to do it, i think lol im like 98% sure this is what i want unless any1 has any ideas ?? lolFire and Rescue service?
Same camaraderie and chance to use both brains and brawn, lots of changing/interesting situations but here no one can say what you are doing isn’t morally right (you are preserving life and property whenever possible rather than destroying it)
Think about the effort they must have put in to deal with the recent floods in your part of the country..
August 14, 2007 at 6:43 pm #1138963DoubleDrop 🙂 wrote:i cant just pack up and go, i will be made to do it and do it well which i know i can do but jus need a kick up the ass to do it, i think lol im like 98% sure this is what i want unless any1 has any ideas ?? lolFire and Rescue service?
Same camaraderie and chance to use both brains and brawn, lots of changing/interesting situations but here no one can say what you are doing isn’t morally right (you are preserving life and property whenever possible rather than destroying it)
Think about the effort they must have put in to deal with the recent floods in your part of the country..
August 14, 2007 at 6:50 pm #1118256i dont think im that way inclined if that makes sense, i want a career that i can use as a stepping stone into something else and thats not quite it, ive racked my brains and the forces seem to offer me everything i need but its what im giving up for it thats like playing on my mind, i want to join to better myself and theres the other part of me who wants to party and get out and meet other like minded ppl. my mates have already said i wont be able to hack it, like some of the close minded ppl that go into the forces and ppl who jus go in to make a name for themselves etc im not like that
August 14, 2007 at 6:50 pm #1138984i dont think im that way inclined if that makes sense, i want a career that i can use as a stepping stone into something else and thats not quite it, ive racked my brains and the forces seem to offer me everything i need but its what im giving up for it thats like playing on my mind, i want to join to better myself and theres the other part of me who wants to party and get out and meet other like minded ppl. my mates have already said i wont be able to hack it, like some of the close minded ppl that go into the forces and ppl who jus go in to make a name for themselves etc im not like that
August 14, 2007 at 6:54 pm #1118243paramedics have my utmost respect, anyone involved in the nhs service
savin people is so much more worthwhile than killin people
August 14, 2007 at 6:54 pm #1138971paramedics have my utmost respect, anyone involved in the nhs service
savin people is so much more worthwhile than killin people
August 14, 2007 at 6:55 pm #1118257yeh fair play to them but my main problem is i need an enviroment which is either completely regimented and rules are the norm or i need my total freedom to be able to do what i want when i want, ive found that there is no medium or not one i have found
August 14, 2007 at 6:55 pm #1138985yeh fair play to them but my main problem is i need an enviroment which is either completely regimented and rules are the norm or i need my total freedom to be able to do what i want when i want, ive found that there is no medium or not one i have found
August 14, 2007 at 6:58 pm #1118244where abouts in yorkshire are you from
you have a brain on you… the army tends to mess with people who have sense to think about things… it’s the ones who fight for what they dont understand i feel for, as many of my mates are completin trainin now
August 14, 2007 at 6:58 pm #1138972where abouts in yorkshire are you from
you have a brain on you… the army tends to mess with people who have sense to think about things… it’s the ones who fight for what they dont understand i feel for, as many of my mates are completin trainin now
August 14, 2007 at 7:06 pm #1118258im in the barnsley area but originally from down south, cheers i like to think i got something in this head of mine lol full of psycadelic things and THC normally but giving it all up until i find out either way if i pass all the tests and stuff, i know what ill be fighting for and what i want to achieve from it but its hard but here goes, do you remember before you even heard of drugs and free parties and you jus went about your business not questioning anything and then all of a sudden you start smoking abit, find out what ppl get upto behind closed doors ppls ambitions of organising parties and mixing . You go even deeper into the scene and become one of those ppl that party all the time and get wasted on pretty much anything going within reason and then trying to forget what a fucking awesome time you had doing it all to get on in life, its like theres 2 of me fighting to do both things and at the moment im going with the normal thinking part of me but we shall see lol
August 14, 2007 at 7:06 pm #1138986im in the barnsley area but originally from down south, cheers i like to think i got something in this head of mine lol full of psycadelic things and THC normally but giving it all up until i find out either way if i pass all the tests and stuff, i know what ill be fighting for and what i want to achieve from it but its hard but here goes, do you remember before you even heard of drugs and free parties and you jus went about your business not questioning anything and then all of a sudden you start smoking abit, find out what ppl get upto behind closed doors ppls ambitions of organising parties and mixing . You go even deeper into the scene and become one of those ppl that party all the time and get wasted on pretty much anything going within reason and then trying to forget what a fucking awesome time you had doing it all to get on in life, its like theres 2 of me fighting to do both things and at the moment im going with the normal thinking part of me but we shall see lol
August 18, 2007 at 5:17 pm #1118249DoubleDrop 🙂 wrote:yeh fair play to them but my main problem is i need an enviroment which is either completely regimented and rules are the norm or i need my total freedom to be able to do what i want when i want, ive found that there is no medium or not one i have foundthought of nursing?
not an easy option by any stretch but the job is regimented, the career prospects can take you anywhere you want, geographically or academically, its tough but incredibly rewarding and karmically unbeatable as far as i’m concerned.
August 18, 2007 at 5:17 pm #1138977DoubleDrop 🙂 wrote:yeh fair play to them but my main problem is i need an enviroment which is either completely regimented and rules are the norm or i need my total freedom to be able to do what i want when i want, ive found that there is no medium or not one i have foundthought of nursing?
not an easy option by any stretch but the job is regimented, the career prospects can take you anywhere you want, geographically or academically, its tough but incredibly rewarding and karmically unbeatable as far as i’m concerned.
August 19, 2007 at 10:36 pm #1118259tarifa wrote:thought of nursing?not an easy option by any stretch but the job is regimented, the career prospects can take you anywhere you want, geographically or academically, its tough but incredibly rewarding and karmically unbeatable as far as i’m concerned.
Im not that kind of person if im honest, im jus one of these ppl that keeps himself to himself if it can be helped, but i can see the rewarding side of it. think im still off for submariners raaa
August 19, 2007 at 10:36 pm #1138987tarifa wrote:thought of nursing?not an easy option by any stretch but the job is regimented, the career prospects can take you anywhere you want, geographically or academically, its tough but incredibly rewarding and karmically unbeatable as far as i’m concerned.
Im not that kind of person if im honest, im jus one of these ppl that keeps himself to himself if it can be helped, but i can see the rewarding side of it. think im still off for submariners raaa
August 20, 2007 at 11:51 am #1118250Fair enough, you gotta go for summat that’ll fit.
Submariners eh? Not something i could do, have known a couple tho an be warned they’re all mad as a bunch of sticks! (bit like nurses really:weee:)
good luck an keep us posted 😉
August 20, 2007 at 11:51 am #1138978Fair enough, you gotta go for summat that’ll fit.
Submariners eh? Not something i could do, have known a couple tho an be warned they’re all mad as a bunch of sticks! (bit like nurses really:weee:)
good luck an keep us posted 😉
August 20, 2007 at 11:58 am #1118238Anonymous
DoubleDrop 🙂 wrote:Im not that kind of person if im honest, im jus one of these ppl that keeps himself to himself if it can be helped, but i can see the rewarding side of it. think im still off for submariners raaaso you’d prefer to kill people than help them get better? sounds like you are a lovely person.
August 20, 2007 at 11:58 am #1138965Anonymous
DoubleDrop 🙂 wrote:Im not that kind of person if im honest, im jus one of these ppl that keeps himself to himself if it can be helped, but i can see the rewarding side of it. think im still off for submariners raaaso you’d prefer to kill people than help them get better? sounds like you are a lovely person.
August 20, 2007 at 12:08 pm #1118248i met infantry person on saturday, and it just seemed like he was just trained to kill and not car about dying and i guess that is what war is all about. really crazy storys coming out from him, and weird knowing he could die, and reaaaallyy not come back from afghanistan
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