Forums The Vibe Chat any one help me out with this one?

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      just wondering why the guy is laughing? and wats being sed.


        Haha! Titch hooked me up with that a while ago. What a time to get the giggles poor bloke.

        The reactions from the audience is class too. I wonder if they are discussing something deadly serious though?

        Apparently the presenter had to do another show which was an apology describing how ashamed he felt.


          Think it’s the various voices of the people (he seems to find the guy who sounds like he’s been breathing helium particularly difficult to listen to, and the guy with the muttley throat just makes him totally lose it at the end:crazy_dru:crazy_dru:crazy_dru).

          At a total wild guess (don’t understand a word of what they are saying, but it sounds possibly Czech, or Romanian if anyone can speak those languages), I would hazard the subject is something to do with cancer of the larynx/throat, or somesuch – this is purely based on the unusual voices in the audience though, and is probably wildly inaccurate. That the audience think it’s a serious subject is fairly obvious judging by the frosty reaction to the giggling fit….As someone who understood not a word of what was being said, I was falling about laughing by the end (someone having hysterical giggles tends to be infectious), so the fact they are not suggests the subject matter is something not normally funny….:hopeless::hopeless::hopeless:

          Do feel a bit sorry for the interviewer and the rest of the audience… They all want to know what is so funny that he can’t control himself, and he ain’t gonna tell them because when you get hit by the giggles you just know nobody else will find it as funny (esp when people are discussing a serious subject). Most of the time, it’s not even particularly funny to you when you look back on it. Having it happen in the middle of your TV talk show is a total nightmare I’m sure…:crazy_diz:crazy_diz:crazy_diz

          I’d be interested to know what is being said too, if anyone can translate:crazy_fre:crazy_fre:crazy_fre

          Shit Robot

            :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:As Noname says the subject matter is probably very serious,but laughter is infectious and Im still pissing myself,which is good coz a good laugh is just what I need right now,thanks Raverraaaraaa


              no worries GD, it is a good clip. I did notice that the women is in a wheel chair so it must be a pretty serious subject but he just cracks up :weee:


                I was told this is fake, from a spoof/comedy show. There is ment to be a longer clip and other clips with the same guy in it.

                But not to sure though, havn’t seen them and anyway it makes me laugh everytime real or not.

                  titch wrote:
                  I was told this is fake, from a spoof/comedy show. There is ment to be a longer clip and other clips with the same guy in it.

                  But not to sure though, havn’t seen them and anyway it makes me laugh everytime real or not.

                  I know there is some Australian Tv show clip around on the internet that is a fake. It was created by the show itself and placed in the internet and it spread like wildfire. It was all a con so they could run a show detailing how quickly things spread on the internet and they used this as proof.

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                Forums The Vibe Chat any one help me out with this one?