Mods: please feel free to move this the appropriate section; I was unsure whether to post it in Politics, Media and Current Events or Spirituality, Morality and Religion.
Why, do you think, is it that on sites like, for instance, Myspace, Facebook, dating sites etc, when you’re asked to select your faith/religion there is always an option for atheism but very rarely an option for agnosticism?
Has atheism become a word that is used by anyone who has never really thought about it, or doesn’t care to think about it?
Do you think a lot of people who say they are atheist don’t really know what it means, and are actually on the middle ground between theism and atheism?
Do you think the two are confused, or are lumped together as a generic “non-believer” option? (I think this is probably the case)
Do you think the construed meaning of the word has been dumded down by common use?
I suppose there is usually an “Other” option, which, regarding myself as an agnostic, I will select. (And what do you do when you’re faced with the “Prefer not to say” option? It’s not that I prefer not say, it’s just you haven’t given me a choice!)
Views/opinion are welcome, sought even!