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what flavour? 😉
Just salt ones, they are the only vegan gluten free ones..
But they just taste of salt…… Soooo nice… dipped in hummous mmmm
bbq for me all the way, once i pop i really dont stop haha
o yeah with dorito mild salsa dip
fooking hell yeah! raaa raaa
either paprika or bbq for me…
as far as doritos dip goes, i wish there was one inbetween the mild and the hot, that wud be perfection!
ive always wanted it, email doritos!!
Ahhh prigles Gormet (however you spell it) Badass!
Mind if copyright this as the name of a new range of pringles? It’s perfect!
I find the only way not to eat them is to not have them in the house…..:wink:
The prawn and something. Gourmet flavour is incredible!!!
i like the green ones with salad cream in a sandwich
My bf just bought more doritos home :crazy_diz:crazy_diz:crazy_diz
I will end up eating them til I feel sick..
SD – Try Skips they’re just as gorgeous and only 1/2 the calories!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm Skips!!!!:love:
:love: :love: :love: :love: Pringles & Salad cream Sandwich :love: :love: :love: :love:
Pickled onion space raiders raaaraaaraaa
Dam they are good Raj! Also the Pickled Onion monster munch!
Another good bag of crisps is Chilli Mango Kettle Chips, :bounce_fl
*Starlaugh starts dribbling* :weee:
do you remember the persian cat jokes off the back of the bags?
:laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:they were wickedly funny
Ha-once you pop you just cant stop!!!:crazy:
Salt and vinegar squares all the way for me!! YUMMY!:wink:
Sour & Onions diped into a mixed vegetables soup is my everyday MDMA!!!
Ive just discovered….
Wotsits dipped in philadelphia!!!