Forums Music 90’s Classics

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      although i didn’t reaaally grow up in the 90’s, my older bro who was well into his 90’s tunes and i grew up listenin to ’em, i fuckin love the 90’s…

      music… from stone roses well early 90’s, screamadelica, but later like…

      james – sit down
      the la’s – there she goes
      and oasis, specially definately maybe and whats the story
      pulp, the verve

      suede! “loved up, doved up, hung around, stoned in a lonely town, shakin their meat to the beat” classic!

      TV… live and kickin’, mr blobby, even SMTV that was classic…

      and bring back poppers! i used to have a well small pair of adidas poppers, they were mint (until everyone got the idea that they could pull anyone’s poppers up and reveal snazzy boxers :laugh_at:)

      was talkin about the 90’s with all me mates in the pub last nite… was quality… we decided this decade is the hangover from the 90’s, but is about to get better, we’re well overdue our party revolution:weee:

      so yeah erm… the 90’s… love ’em!


        Love ’em too boothy. But then again I am a kid of the 90’s.

        I even went to a rave with the drummer from James (when I used to live in North Wales he was a friend of a friend and happened to have a space in his car so not really meant to be a claim to fame).

        Live and Kicking, SMTV both cool, but neither were as cool as Gilbert the Alien on Get Fresh (I just googled this only to discover two things… 1. It was in the 80’s, not the 90’s and 2. Gilbert has already featured on partyvibe so his legend lives on!)


          i’m far too young to remember them 2 programs :groucho: i don’t count myself as a kid of the 90’s cos i’m too young, but cos of me older bro etc. i remember it all, so i’m half a 90’s kid but more 00’s unfortunately :crazy_diz

          the guitarist from shed seven teaches me guitar, thats about the only 90’s musician i know!

          General Lighting

            there is definitely an 80s/90s revival in fashions and culture – I was looking at one of the recent BBC East news reports about my local scene, and at first I though they were using archive footage from the early 90s; but it was “modern” Norfolk ravers in the interview..

            Mind you, thats probably why when I go partying here I think I’m 19 again :laugh_at:

            I can see why though there is this revival – the 1990s was definitely a more carefree and optimistic time for many compared to now (hey, even the early days of Blair weren’t so bad!) and people want to get back to that..


              yeah, we was talkin about how this decade is comin to an end and the 10’s are gonna be revival of all things good :groucho: i think the problem at the moment is that we’re on clampdown, the drugs are proper shit and it’s all pessimism… we were talkin about this party we’re doin on friday (last ever day of schoolraaa) and this twat bout 30 overheard and goes “oh yeah, bet you reckon your proper quality doin that” and we were like, what, are parties like… not a done thing anymore mate? ah well!

              but yeah, we ended on “how to revive the attitudes of the 90’s” basically, still ain’t got an answer :laugh_at:

                boothy wrote:
                music… from stone roses well early 90’s, screamadelica, but later like…

                james – sit down
                the la’s – there she goes
                and oasis, specially definately maybe and whats the story

                Great tunes there, even if Oasis totally dissed rave as “dalek music” lolol.

                Stone Roses – Fool’s Gold, great tune as well! Every version l heard of that is good. I think a lot of that Indie music was classed as rave in the beginning, as it was all part of the “Madchester” scene, but then Madchester became Gunchester and everyone went different directions.


                  yeah it was all about the happy mondays, stone roses and the hacienda wannit raaathen the gangs moved in :crazy:

                  me brother lives in manchester now and it seems they’ve gotten past the shitty gang warfare stage that took over the clubs… has got a well positive scene over there, not just partyin, in general i mean. it’s well liberal which is mint, i’m headin there in a couple years hopefully!

                  General Lighting
                    boothy wrote:
                    yeah, we was talkin about how this decade is comin to an end and the 10’s are gonna be revival of all things good :groucho: i think the problem at the moment is that we’re on clampdown, the drugs are proper shit and it’s all pessimism…

                    people were saying that by 1993 though, exactly the same thing (the acid house and then early “rave” boom had led to a clampdown, plus an influx of poorer quality pills and people simply getting tolerance from caning too much…

                    there were some harsh times but the party crews eventually evolved around that..


                      very true :weee:

                      i really shud stop postin stuff without knowin the complete background, although this site has taught me a heluva lot about the rave scene and politics and stuff raaa

                      and dynamic… yeah liam and noel galagher talk a lotta shit! remember noel sayin “i hope he catches aids and dies” about damon albarn… :you_crazy

                      General Lighting
                        boothy wrote:
                        very true :weee:

                        i really shud stop postin stuff without knowin the complete background, although this site has taught me a heluva lot about the rave scene and politics and stuff raaa

                        nah, don’t worry about this, its good to know how the younger lot really feel about how things are, and at least you are talking about the problems.

                        Too many others just keep quiet cave in to all the negativity. I know people 10 years my junior who are already giving up partying as they’ve burned out – a lot of the time the drugs aren’t shit but people have got tolerance because they caned too much every weekend.

                        One thing that really pisses me off is people my age who were once ravers but now sneer at it or even support the clampdowns on raves (either openly or by always being negative when younger people talk about their plans).

                          General Lighting wrote:
                          One thing that really pisses me off is people my age who were once ravers but now sneer at it or even support the clampdowns on raves (either openly or by always being negative when younger people talk about their plans).

                          yeah like this feller in the pub who woulda been around for the acid-house madchester sorta time, takin the piss because we were talkin about a party :you_crazy i think they are cynical gits ‘cos they are no longer livin the life, or it went wrong for them.

                          havin said that, on new years ever this fella around 34 who used to live in our village was tellin us to abosblutely ‘av it, and to take acid up the yorkshire wolds like he used to :laugh_at:


                            Im just old enough to remember some stuff from the 90s. I remember i was into to Blur and Oasis, when most of my friends were still listening to spice girls. (I was ahead of my age then as i am now. Ive been listening to dance music for ages, and some of my friends are only just starting to get into some of the commercial stuff) And i remember watching England losing to Germany in the Euro 96 semi final. And Pogs!! I remember goin crazy about them. (just some random memories from when i was about 8 for you there)

                              Kensaken wrote:
                              And Pogs!! I remember goin crazy about them. (just some random memories from when i was about 8 for you there)

                              I remember them now! i had loads of the little disc’s!



                                aaah pogs!!!!

                                i had my own “pog maker” :laugh_at:

                                and remember Squad football cards? and them model footballers with huge heads?

                                Techno Viking


                                    boothy;121224 wrote:
                                    aaah pogs!!!!

                                    i had my own “pog maker” :laugh_at:

                                    and remember Squad football cards? and them model footballers with huge heads?

                                    big heads hahahahah well good!!

                                    pogs were amazing, and poppers omg :crazy_diz

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                                  Forums Music 90’s Classics