This tv series is awesome! Never really watched it but me da got the whole series box set so started watching em. It’s actually really good, alot better than i was expecting. So many twists and turns and thats only in series one! Jack Bauer is a bad ass! raaa
man 24’s awesome.iv just watched the new episodes that came out recently, so freekin excitin :weee:
hate having the 1 week wait for each ep tho :yakk:
Im currently watching series 2 so am avoiding the new series, otherwise it’ll fuck it up for me. The good thing is by the time i finish this boxset hopefully ill be able to get the new series on Vd! 😉
Im currently watching series 2 so am avoiding the new series, otherwise it’ll fuck it up for me. The good thing is by the time i finish this boxset hopefully ill be able to get the new series on Vd! 😉
you’ll catch up in no time man.iv watched a full season in a day once or twice haha :laugh_at:s’great thing to watch when comin down let me tell ya 😉
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