Forums The Vibe Chat 11 and a half hours to go!!!

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  • #1038326

      Ahhhhh I have 11 and a half hours to go till I start my new job and am now getting well nervous.

      Am always like this when I am starting a new job but for some reason I am feeling it more this time! Could be because they are willing to pay me lots of cash!! :crazy_diz :lol_big:

      Should be ok though as everyone is new but still not sure what to expect!!

      :wave: :wave:


        you will be fine honey – you are being employed at the right level at lastraaaraaaraaa


          Thanks honey I am looking forward to it but just not knowing what to expect is what is making me nervous!!

          I know I am at the right level finally you lot have been telling me for years!!

            shortylila wrote:
            Thanks honey I am looking forward to it but just not knowing what to expect is what is making me nervous!!

            I know I am at the right level finally you lot have been telling me for years!!



              It’ll be fine mate. I think everyone gets scared on their first day of a new job. I know I do.

              Good luck with it all! 😉


                Hi Shorty.

                :bounce_fl Have a good day at your new job:bounce_fl

                Techno Viking
                  shortylila wrote:
                  Ahhhhh I have 11 and a half hours to go till I start my new job and am now getting well nervous.

                  Am always like this when I am starting a new job but for some reason I am feeling it more this time! Could be because they are willing to pay me lots of cash!! :crazy_diz :lol_big:

                  Should be ok though as everyone is new but still not sure what to expect!!

                  :wave: :wave:

                  Nerves are good, it’s means you’re taking it seriously. Yeah and what Raj said… you’ll be fine!


                    Well I rang her to make sure she was up this morning and raring to go for her new job..

                    Poor wee shorty is dying with cold/hayfever but was up and ready to go..

                    I’m sooooo pleased for her getting this job she is finally at the level and getting paid properly for her experience at last…

                    Gonna call her at lunchtime i will update you all on how she’s getting on..

                    GO TEAM SHORTY!!!!!


                      Good luck you will be fine:wink:

                      General Lighting

                        Don’t worry Shorty – its always a bit daunting starting a new job….

                        I had the same in March – had to move 130 miles away to a new location as well!

                        I’ve got more responsibilities but the job is more fulfilling as I can make more decisions myself and I actually have a sense of achievment when things go right…


                          Well that is me back from my 1st day and it all went really well …. turns out actually know 2 of the others that started today.:bounce_fl :bounce_m: :bounce_p:

                          My head is a bit pickled now though learning a brand new system is not easy especially as it is like the old one I used but with slightly diff entries… confused me something cronic.

                          :you_crazy :crazy_diz


                            glad your first day went well, what is it you do?:wink:


                              I work in business travel


                                ahh nice one, i was just curious!

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                              Forums The Vibe Chat 11 and a half hours to go!!!