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  • in reply to: Its so dark…. #1073693
      Jon_tooth wrote:
      The devil?

      na it wasnt me i was down the supermarket with my fallen souls

      in reply to: so im a fuckin genius by the way #1073680

        worked a treat

        mono obviously but hey it was better than falling asleep listening to massive attack

        in reply to: and down again #1073670

          no it’s due to the heavy flow of traffic caused by the entire world trying to log on to find out what CT23 is gonna come out with next

          in reply to: A Ravers Manifesto-whose read it-? #1073328
            General Lighting wrote:
            yeah some of the info still holds true today but that Advance party flyer is ancient as well

            I know because I was one of the people in Advance party and the person who did the original design for that.. it was on Wordperfect 5.1 … I used to have the disc of this text at my old house in Reading until recently..

            DJ Trauma gave up partying years ago to look after his step-children and run a go-karting track.

            Advance party folded about a year later due to crew politics and arguments over cash… got the impression as well a lot of people didn’t want Debby running things because she was too “idealistic” and they would rather do it gangsta style (and look at Londonistans rave scene now!)

            The stuff about avoiding vandalism/contamination is still spot on but few people actually gave a fuck until crews were getting nicked because of it -that was only a few years ago…

            and if you try to play the hippy activist nowadays the cops will just record all your statements on video and bust you for PEL.

            it was a history lesson
            who that anyway??

            in reply to: I’m new! #1072930
              LadyProdigy wrote:
              The hippy bat is fluroescent to attract the hippies in the first place. And the norfolk bat has some sort of special attachment to deal with the problem of webbed feet. Obviousley! 💡

              no the norfolk bat has a picture of a normal 4 finger one thumbed hand on it so you can differentuate between norfolkians and the rest of humanity and its painted pink to lull them into a false sense of security
              (and make it match jon tooths favorite dress)

              in reply to: what should i do ? #1073431

                it’s summer

                touch her up and see if she slaps ya

                in reply to: A Ravers Manifesto-whose read it-? #1073327
                  Taken from “Enuff’s Enuff!” Advance Party Newsletter Issue 3 November 1994

                  To ADVANCE PARTY PEOPLE by TRAUMA of OOOPS!

                  Sound SYSTEM.

                  Many of these rules exist already in unspoken form. The purpose of outlining them on paper is to inform everyone of there existence, a code of conduct if you like. We all know we don’t need the Authorities or silly bits of paper to party, but they still refuse to believe that we are responsible. This is the one of the steps to correct their view, to show them that we do have rules and guidelines and respect for the environment in a way which they may understand a set on principles in black and white.

                  ON PARTYING


                  Put up simple signs informing party goers to remove rubbish as they leave and put it into bags. It is the sound system’s responsibility to leave an area clean if not cleaner than when the party started. To the system crews; it is your job to educate your punters. We must show the standard we have.

                  2.VANDALISM, TROUBLE MAKERS etc.

                  Some things that vandals do and which have gone on are now no longer excusable. It seems that certain people or groups of people are continually doing these things. It is up to everyone to deal with these individuals. Get as many people as possible to politely say Pack it in, it’s not wanted.Try to make them feel small, and educate them. A small group of people, be it punters or organisers makes it quite clear that if trouble is not stopped, the individuals will be asked to leave and barred from future events. Organisers must co-ordinate with each other within the regions to stop these people gaining access to future events. Our events have always been free and open to everyone but these people are ruining it for all of us. Something must be done. When dealing with trouble makers go in a small number, 3 or 4, NOT for the purpose of being mob handed but to show unity.

                  3.REMOVAL OF OFFENDERS

                  We don’t like violence but if certain individuals still chose to be arseholes they must be removed. The best non-violent way I know is for 4 or 5 people to surround the person by standing round so the cannot lash out and all fast-shuffle off to the nearest exit. MAKE it clear why this action is being taken. STOP THE MUSIC – This way you have the full attention of everyone. Inform the punters that the music is not going back on until the individual or individuals are out. The people are there to party and will usually do the best for you once they realise what the problem us.


                  Vehicles must be kept off the road or if in an urban area someone from the sound system must make sure the road is kept clear. Tell people why we must do this. Once a few people start doing this the rest will follow. Blocked roads tell the police two things: It tells them something is going on, It gives them a valid reason for attempting to stop the party. Their reason: The emergency services need access



                  This lovely tasks falls to the sound system or organisers (because the police target them). Therefore have ONE person to deal with any police that turn up. This person should know the laws that the police claim they are there to enforce, and the various blags they try to use. This person should also be able to speak to a lawyer or solicitor by mobile phone to obtain legal advice when police are present (most useful to avoid arrests) and give more bargaining power. Remember: Mobiles are listened into by the police, and are taped at the exchange. Steps must be taken to avoid conflict, with ourselves / well meaning punters telling the police where to go and where to put it when they get there. Conduct negotiations away from the main body of people. Alternatively, conduct negotiations in front of the microphone for the whole crowd. The negotiator must be able to communicate to the system about what is going on. Someone must have the one and only say about noise levels and termination of sound. (Control of the volume knob) it is important to realise that The Authorities force power from the system and party to one individual, which is unpleasant. If the rig has to be shut down then this person can switch it back on, if the authorities permit. If the party is shut down inform the punters why and ask them to leave quietly and with respect to the people around (Police, Landowners). Meanwhile the negotiator is the only point of contact for any authorities turning up. Remember: Police will use your internal communication to stiff you. Be careful and keep safe. THE ADVANCE PARTY IS TO HAVE A LIST OF LEGAL OBSERVERS PREPARED TO MONITOR THE POLICE FOR LARGER FESTIVALS AND EVENTS. IN YOUR LOCAL AREA APPROACH FRIENDLY SOLICITORS. Remember: Police use plant lawyers to stiff you. Be careful and be safe.

                  6.HEALTH AND SAFETY Sound systems must have FULL first aid kits on hand together with the number of local casualty department Hospital and route map of how to get there. One car must be ready with driver to make the journey if needed. One person should be trained in first aid. A free supply of water should be made available wherever possible. Fire extinguishers should be placed near equipment and system people should know where they are and how to use them. Clear broken glass, debris etc. away to avoid accidents. Educate people where to go i.e. toilets, shovels, longdrops etc. keep all entrances clear of people equipment etc. All wires should be trailed above head height where possible, and all gangways kept clear with exits free. Authorities will be informed of these measures if they turn up. All back-drops, netting and tarps etc. must be fireguarded. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. UNFORTUNATLY WE MUST SHOW THAT WE ARE.

                  Party principles at parties in the community on the streets.

                  1. We believe that it is the responsibility of each of us to look after ourselves. We believe it is the responsibility of each one of us to look after oneself before anyone can claim to be looking after anyone else.

                  2. The freedom of each of us to do as we like can interfere with the freedom of those around us. Since consideration of others within total personal freedom cannot be enforced, consideration for others is now expected from each one of us, and from us all.

                  3. We will act on the following:

                  – Private interests who deny access to the countryside and who build on it.
                  – Private criminal elites organising the sale of drugs at community events.
                  – Private careerists who hijack the movement or any of its banners or principles.
                  – Private landlords who allow city buildings to stand empty and unused.
                  – We undertake to use free and squatted space efficiently and to keep an orderly house.
                  – We undertake to discourage new communities from becoming overcrowded, or to allow them to be used as police warehousing.

                  4. We know the following must happen so we can continue to do what we do in freedom and fairness. We are prepared to confront hard problems with real, direct and non-violent solutions

                  Therefore we will:

                  – Ensure the following considerations are planned for on site and acted on at all our social gatherings.
                  – Safe convoys to and from pitches.

                  some of that is relevent

                  in reply to: SquatJuice Is Down! #1072379


                    in reply to: Arrested for possesion. #1072548

                      dont knock it

                      he was getting out of some paperwork and allowing you a caution

                      in reply to: I’m new! #1072929

                        CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT

                        round 1

                        in reply to: I am nice! #1073032

                          WELL IM A TOTAL CUNT

                          in reply to: I’m new! #1072928


                            it’s far too fuckin liberal round here

                            no one mixes it up like they do on SJ

                            oh the fun of watching people take everything seriously for two weeks until the penny drops

                            in reply to: I’m new! #1072927
                              FrankieButler wrote:
                              My age shouldn’t stop me from enjoying good music!

                              you must be young most women would take that as a compliment
                              and no age is not a barrier to good taste

                              in reply to: I’m new! #1072926

                                you look too young to be into half of that

                                but fair play

                                in reply to: CT23 is a virgin!!! #1072950

                                  he’s also a sad twat who acctually belives that posting up endless conspiracy theorys will get him laid

                                  in reality it will just get him commited

                                    kaylee wrote:
                                    Thats what i was thinking ha :bigsmile:

                                    Id like to be a virgin, duno what the problem is !!

                                    has your “experience” in life been that bad?????

                                    in reply to: RIP! #1072430


                                      who’s died??

                                      in reply to: Where’s SJ? #1072022
                                        CT23 wrote:
                                        Yeah and rite in time 4 the bankholiday weekend again

                                        dont tell me it’s a fuckin conspiracy

                                        in reply to: SJ/PV coach transfers #1071467

                                          can i sit at the back of the bus and look moody?

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