:groucho: Hello everyone,here’s a “new one” againraaa
Just wanted to say hello to all of you that love music as much as I do.Unfortunately I do not produce myself.Just can’t get agrip of all that nifty gear:yakk: But I’m quite a good dancer what kind of equals it out (I’d like to believe anyway….) I’m 28 years of age and I pretty much come from the Oldskool/D ‘n B scene.I live in Germany and,believe it or not,we have a pretty good D ‘n B scene.Not so much Knite Force and the good old stuff anymore,allthough you still get the odd small area on bigger events.I’ve been out of the scene a while due to my Job and the responsibility that comes with it:obey: ,but I still have my contacts and I will ALWAYS love me beats.Anyway,nice site you’ve got here I must say.
Now,because I’m new I have not got a scooby about the possibilities on this site.So all you veterans out there feel free to lend a hand,give some clues…you get the idea…
Right then,gotta get back to the Battlefield:obey:
Keep it real everyone,BOOYAKA