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Well well, it’s true that French Krews don’t come so often to England…
I guess it’s becoz the country is expensive (cigs and alcohol), and it’s maybe more diffcult to come (driving the wrong side of the road).I guess there is also the fear of the repression, as the UK was the first country to have anti free parties laws.
But I remenber there was some good “Infrabass” and “DKlé” parties 5/6 years ago.
And talking for myself, I can’t wait to come back to the UK for a free party (never done one when i was in Manchester, only clubs parties and couple of house parties…)
But I’d love to have a rig in the forest.Like when you finaly do your waching and find your lighter you where looking for for ages and thought it was gone ??
Or when you have to wash your car (I mean even inside…) and find some stuff like old papers and realise it doesn’t belong to u, or people were tripping on the matter of the paper…
And let alone when you find pitcures on the report sections and realise you were at the party but it was ages ago..
Hummmm… love that feeling.Thx 4 the link.
I had a look around and found what I wanted.
A simple rectangular box to insert a decent 12″ or 15″ just to boost a little bit my home system in order to feel the bass and dance in my garden….
Cheers.-> WhallyRange : Do u have any plans for 15″ subs ??
Got some stuff already but dble check ‘s betterIf u’r near Angouleme than u’d be far from Montpellier.
Try Bordeaux, it’s closer and there is a good tekno scene..I think there is a commercial rave next week or the week after.
It’s stg near ‘fort de cubsac’ or ‘fort Medoc’
Can’t remenber the name but if u’r interested, send me a’s funny coz what u said ’bout uk jungle was almost the same to what happen to rock and roll (originaly jazz), hip hop and dnb.
And it’s also funny coz dnb in the uk was in someways a black music (with no judgment, just stating) . I could remenber of black friends passionatly involved in dnb (and made me discover dj Hype).
But in France that never happened. Though the black community in France hasn’t the same roots (mostly North Africans, and west Indies), I never heard dnb or jungle there. Though according to me, dnb has the jazz, funk, hip hop, and brek beats origins. all of which are originaly black musics.What about the freestylers and stuff like this ???
It’s still exist and there are some good DnB and Tekno remixes. Or maybe that’s not what u call raggamuffin…Well I don’t know for the UK but I know in France, DnB is getting bigger and bigger… at last. Coz I got addicted to DnB since 98 and it’s finaly getting big in France.
What about the uk ?? no more dnb ? breakbeat ??+ I ‘ll add a link to some US mixes where u might find your thrill.
chk out the links .LOL (it’s english too I guess… coz in France we’re using ‘MDR’ for ‘Mort de Rire’ eg. ‘Dead by Laughters’…)
Well ‘defocre’ has nothing 2 do with the tekno family that your esteemed country and the great maggie has sent us few years ago… but it’s part of the result.
For the story of the French rave repression, in 2001 a deputy called Mariani (u’r right, respect for knowing this, coz I don’t know the name of the MP who wrote the Criminal Justce Bill) decide to create a law to prevent from raves. Well at the time there raves every we (= week end) and most of town-mayors were scared of this youngsters having party in the middle of nowhere. There was no communication. After the teknival from Marigny (1st edition) the Assembly voted for the law which was made part of the Security enforcement laws after sept 11. (it was called LSQ for Lois sur la Securité Quotidienne, Laws for Every day security, which also had a part concerning youngster standing in the entry of buildings, people were scared of the youth).
At the contrary, it lead me to meet more people and discuss more. For me it created THE new unity (remenber ?? “we need a new unity”..). That’s how I met some people throu chats mostly. Thx to Defcore’s chat called DED-Zone like the dead zone (DED = Dialogue En Direct, no need 2 translate really..).
So I chatted with few people and we met in parties here and there. And as time goes on, we decided to organise our own priv8z in 2002/3. At the time I was living in Paris. But I decided to go further South and settled up in Toulouse. I live there since 3 yrs and the city is really great !
And I met new people and found free parties. It’s funny how Northern parties are different then Southern ones. Though I could tell why, but it’s a fact. Is that the smae in UK ?
Though I don’t move a lot (4/5 parties/yr) as I’m getting older : 31 this year !!. But I had some good gigz. I remenber a Desert Storm one in Spain near Mipanas in 2003, u can’t imagine how great that was !!!).
And no more than last w/e I was in the middle of the forest (that was national day in France, July 14th, so it was a long W/E… bank holyday u say)Well I love it down here in Tououse !
Well I’m sure I’ll have some questions or translation to ask, so talk 2 u later
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Yes I know, there was a big repression this last years because landowners and small cities mayors had to feel heard by our right wing gvt. So our fukin minister of interior, the small nicolas Sarkozy (u must have heard of him otherwise I wouldn’t believe that u came in France becoz he is a media star), well he decided that he would finght against insecurity…. ooohhhh what a noble heart he must have. But in fact he is wrong in a great part of his idea (yep unsurpisingly I don’t follow vote for right wing conservatives…). Well he had the tendancy to invert causes and consequences… which lead him to fight against youth, prostitutes, homeless… the victims suddenly became the guilty ones. And the majority of the society felt better because they felt understood. Though to my opinion nothing has really change.
R u still in Montpellier ?? must be fun down there !!! Pretty girlz, close to the Sea and the Montain (both, Alpes and Pyrenees), happy people, loads of students, and great parties in the countryside few km … what else do u want ?
Well if u’r still there, we might come across each other coz I live in Toulouse (2/3 hours drive away) so that could b fun.C U
GWell I didn’t had such good news about the arakiss.
It’s a club and generally speaking, Frecnh Clubs are welcoming… sorry.But if u have fun there, please tell me.
LOL (it’s english too I guess… coz in France we’re using ‘MDR’ for ‘Mort de Rire’ eg Dead by Laugh…)
Well defocre has nothing 2 do with the orignal tekno family that your esteemed country has sent us few years ago… and chek out the result !
Thx again 😉Bono’s a comon family name in France. and 38 sounds like a French Dept. (tha main city is Grenogble, it’s in the south East not too far from Lyon)
For the story, in 2001 a deputy called Mariani (u’r right, respect for knowing this) decide to create a law to prevent from raves. Well at the time there raves every we (= week end) and most of town-mayors were scared of this youngsters having party in the middle of nowhere. There was no communication. After the teknival from Marigny (1st edition) the Assembly voted for the law which was made part of the Security enforcement laws after sept 11. (it was called LSQ for Lois sur la Securité Quotidienne, Laws for Every day security, which also had a part concerning youngster standing in the entry of buildings, people were scared of the youth).
At the contrary, it made try to meet more people and discuss more. For me it created THE new unity (remenber ?? “we need a new unity”..). That’s how I met some people throu chats mostly. Thx to Defcore’s chat called DED-Zone like the dead zone (DED = Dialogue En Direct, no need 2 translate..).
So I chatted with few people and we met in parties here and there. And as time goes on, we decided to organise our own priv8z in 2002/3. At the time I was living in Paris. But I decided to go further South and settled up in Toulouse. I live there since 3 yrs and the city is really great !
And I met new people and found free parties. It’s funny how Northern parties are different then Southern ones. I could tell why, but it’s a fact.
Though I don’t move a lot (4/5 ârties/yr). I’m getting older : 31 this year !!. But I had some good gigz. I remenber of a Desert Storm one in Spain near Mipanas, u can’t imagine !!!). and last I was in the middle of the forest
Well I love it here !
If u come to toulouse, be my guest 😉U can catch me on mu mail :
and I’m sure I’ll have some questions or translation to ask, so talk 2 u later
G -