Hello Stakker.
My name is Nick, I’m a northerner living in London (bit scared that everything’s loud and fast!) I mean no disrespect to you but have been looking for someone on here who is from London and ACTUALLY knows what they’re talking about. They’re all Americans! I moved down here a few months ago and was just wondering if you could drop me an email as I’d like to ask you something about “Coca-Cola”. I promise I’m not selling/scamming/entrapping or taking the piss. I’m a 32 year old professional who needs a bit of help.
Please email me DIRECT at [MOD EDIT=For your further protection, please don’t post personal details here, drugs talk is allowed as long as we keep it open and anonymous, selling or buying drugs however is not allowed!] if you wouldn’t mind helping me avoiding humiliating myself and/or getting shot.