MC G-Tek

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  • in reply to: Express Something Thread #1259508
    MC G-Tek

      @Deez 556562 wrote:

      It’s been a shit year but things are finally looking up for the D man. On a better college course now, found out I got a job today. Got antibiotics the other day so now i’m not ill anymore either.. fucking feels good to be back!!

      Safe for being there through it all PV, but I think I need to take a break from the site for a bit. Need to focus on self improvement and college etc. before I continue down the hedonistic lifestyle but I will be back and i’ll be 18 when I am so you know i’ll see you all about. I’ll probably pop in from now and then as well but definitely not as often as normal (though tbh I haven’t really been posting much for a while, but it will probably go down further..). It’s been good, wish you all the best :group_hug

      Take care pal, hope all works out well for ya. Gonna be giving this place a rest myself given the new rules that have come in, but will message you on fb over the next few days as I ain’t really spoke to you in a while and it’d be good to catch up. All the best mate, and all the best to those who are staying under the new oppressor’s regime here. I’ll see you all on .org or on fb. Nuff respect PV, safe! 🙂

      in reply to: Express Something Thread #1259507
      MC G-Tek

        @pyɔross. 556476 wrote:

        Didn’t get the job i really wanted ffs. :/

        Sucks man, hope you have better luck next time. All the best dude. 🙂

        in reply to: FAO. all grammar nazis. #1275673
        MC G-Tek

          @Pat McDonald 556395 wrote:

          My grandmother was a Nazi? News to me.

          That’s not funny man, my Grandad died in a concentration camp – he fell off the watchtower! Joking obviously – he only broke his leg! 🙂

          in reply to: FAO. all grammar nazis. #1275672
          MC G-Tek

            @DaftFader 556366 wrote:


            It didn’t include the picture, but I recall making a post with that very saying in it a few weeks ago. Can’t remember which thread it was on now though…

            in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275578
            MC G-Tek

              @Chrispydelic 556343 wrote:

              Whereas I am 40 and am only just beginning to recede slightly. I have the odd grey and if I let my stubble grow it is a little grey right on the front of my chin!

              Yeah, alright, don’t rub it in, lol!

              in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275577
              MC G-Tek

                @Chrispydelic 556336 wrote:

                I met a bloke who is 17 yesterday. He already is starting to go grey!

                Good! Serves him right for being a teenager!

                It does happen to some people at a fairly young age, as does the receding hairline. Mine started to recede when I was about 20 and hasn’t fuckin’ stopped since!

                in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275576
                MC G-Tek

                  @thelog 556327 wrote:

                  WTF I recently removed a whole army of grey hairs from the front of my head not too long ago. I’m not even 30 yet.

                  I console myself with the fact that I’ll have probably lost my hair by the time it really starts to go grey, and I’ll just be rocking the ‘shaven-headed thug’ look!

                  in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275575
                  MC G-Tek

                    @Chrispydelic 556315 wrote:

                    Haha, everyone on here pretty much knows I’m old!

                    Lol, none of us are getting any younger mate. Found my first grey hair recently, made a note in my diary, simply said ‘Bugger!’

                    in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275574
                    MC G-Tek

                      @Chrispydelic 556310 wrote:

                      Showing your age mate! 😉

                      Ha ha, anyone who gets that reference is also showing theirs pal! When I was about 11, I used to think I was cool as fuck dousing myself in Hai Karate or a few too many splashes of Brut! Gotta love a bit of Brut man!

                      in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275573
                      MC G-Tek

                        @DaftFader 556229 wrote:



                        in reply to: Express Something Thread #1259506
                        MC G-Tek

                          @Deez 556289 wrote:

                          still really ill.. managed to get conjunctivitis in both eyes somehow too. coughing up a fucking lung as well. The only tihng consoling me ATM is a few bong hits I had (which made me cough to the point of vomiting..) and scrumpy cider which is fucking tasty. both in small medicinal amounts ofc 🙂

                          @Deez 556290 wrote:

                          oh.. i’ve also lost 11lbs and weigh a measly 10st 1lb now.. feel anorexic :/

                          Shit dude, get well soon man, all the best. 🙂

                          in reply to: The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread #1215374
                          MC G-Tek

                            What a great weekend, got ‘Mandy’ played to a new audience and it seems to have gone down really well, even had it played twice during one show, result!

                            in reply to: pv halloween meet up ’13 #1275617
                            MC G-Tek

                              @General Lighting 556134 wrote:

                              As my German is reasonable (though not as good as my Dutch as they leave in difficult grammar bits from Latin the Dutch wisely have removed) I very nearly considered emigration because of the Bier, and that anyone who can fix electronic stuff and computers can usually make a few Euros plus employers give loads of time off (and often let you take away scrap materials) for your hobby projects as they really value tech knowledge there…

                              As you don’t really watch the idiot box mate, you probably won’t be aware that BBC2 had a show recently called ‘Make Me A German’ where a BBC journalist and his wife and kids went to live in Germany for a bit. I knew the life was good over there, but didn’t realise they worked less hours and got paid more than us. We get stiffed for everything in this country man!

                              in reply to: Express Something Thread #1259505
                              MC G-Tek

                                @Deez 556128 wrote:

                                been so fucking ill for 9 days now, i would prefer death to this

                                Damn man, get well soon dude! 🙂

                                in reply to: Express Something Thread #1259504
                                MC G-Tek

                                  @MR207 556123 wrote:

                                  Listening to Sultans of Swing while having the satisfaction of making the best apple pipe ever

                                  An apple pipe? Cool, way better than an apple pie!

                                  in reply to: pv halloween meet up ’13 #1275616
                                  MC G-Tek

                                    @The Psyentist 556112 wrote:

                                    Hope (as I’m sure you will) have a bangin time there. Outdrink those Germans, even if it is just for my sake.

                                    P.S. nothing against the Germans; I just like out drinking anyone lol, something I’m rarely capable of.

                                    Ha ha, I’ll certainly do my best mate, but those Germans can drink, believe me! If I can just outdrink one of my mates, I’ll be happy! Will certainly have a proper banging time though, cheers pal. 🙂

                                    in reply to: Moving (home) to Cambridge #1275637
                                    MC G-Tek

                                      @Chrispydelic 556107 wrote:

                                      Hey all,

                                      I’m pretty soon moving back to my hometown of Cambridge (well outskirts anyway).

                                      Anyone here from Cambs area? PM me if you are shy.

                                      Hope the move works out better for ya than the previous one did mate. Used to know a few lads from around Cambridge way a few years back as it happens. I think they were from St. Ives, good lads too, proper wreckheads man!

                                      in reply to: pv halloween meet up ’13 #1275615
                                      MC G-Tek

                                        Regardless of the eventual plan, I’ll have to consult the finances closer to the time. May not be possible after the excesses of Oktoberfest – might even still be drunk from it come Hallowe’en!

                                        in reply to: Bus Polis #1275595
                                        MC G-Tek

                                          Ha ha, quality mate!

                                          in reply to: pv halloween meet up ’13 #1275614
                                          MC G-Tek

                                            Think an under-18’s night might rule quite a few of us out mate. Deez would have a good time, but he’d probably be the only one of us in there, the rest of us would be stood outside looking like over-protective parents, ha ha!

                                            in reply to: what’s that song?!? #1275539
                                            MC G-Tek

                                              @CloudGlass 555935 wrote:

                                              lol Its a new house/dance song I heard it in a club so it shouldn’t be very old. Its a perfect Mandy tune if that helps!

                                              I like perfect Mandy tunes!

                                              in reply to: Where Bist Da Korno? #1275572
                                              MC G-Tek

                                                @Izbeckistan 555909 wrote:

                                                Im guessing since she got facebook back she has been using that.

                                                I think this may be correct, she’s defo more active on there than on here at the mo. You should see her fb posts too, they’re all ‘Och aye the noo’ this and ‘Buckfast’ that and ‘Git tae fuck’ this and ‘Stick it up yer airse’ that. All of this is interspersed with a few shouts of ‘Crikey’ and ‘Steady on Bruce’! LOL!

                                                Come back korno, we miss you and ya mad Scozzie ways!

                                                in reply to: Rant Thread! #1186016
                                                MC G-Tek

                                                  @The Psyentist 555807 wrote:

                                                  Well that was kind of what I was aiming for in my post but it was very half hearted due to the lack of any real negative emotion.

                                                  Cool mate, long may it last too! 🙂

                                                  in reply to: Rant Thread! #1150652
                                                  MC G-Tek

                                                    @The Psyentist 555807 wrote:

                                                    Well that was kind of what I was aiming for in my post but it was very half hearted due to the lack of any real negative emotion.

                                                    Cool mate, long may it last too! 🙂

                                                    in reply to: Rant Thread! #1150650
                                                    MC G-Tek

                                                      @The Psyentist 555797 wrote:

                                                      I feel like having a bit of a moan but have nothing to rant about.

                                                      Well you could always rant about the fact that you’ve got nothing to rant about mate!

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