Hi, this site seems awesome. I love music but have to admit to knowing nothing about it; i’ve been more of a passive participant in that I have a hysterically good time going along with friends to parties and clubs but haven’t been researching events or organizing outings and I’d like to so i’m not as reliant on other people finding stuff to do; this seems like a good place to start.
I’m 22, a philosophy student in central London (on a course which allows me to do virtually no work at all 🙂 ), wasted too much time earlier in my course by not doing enough drugs or going to enough parties and by attending class too frequently, which i’ve been semi-making-up for in my final year. I love films, especially non-pretentious-yet-arty films, leftist politics, philosophy (the serious analytic kind, not the silly fluffy eastern semi-religious kind :crazy_diz) and getting drunk on non-beer beverages, but not beer (I’m not British and i’ve never understood pub culture :p).