@Ruxpin 374427 wrote:
This certainly won’t end up in The Sun – it’s for a women’s monthly magazine. It will deal in fact and first hand account only.
Thanks Tank Girl, will have a look.
listen you could listen 2 me i have taken the drug many times and have experianced its many different stages and buzzes this is a simple drug but still people underestamate its power i have many freinds who have surcome to its euphoric lure and i wouldnt say that that they are unexperianced drug takers either.we need to learn more about this drug its just not safe to take it with out knoing long term affects and people will still continue takin it even if it is life thretning becouse we dont know the risks. you cant just egnore this drug its here to stay and the people have a wright to know about its wrisks.if you wish to speak with me futher just ask away.