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xFadingObsessionx;229728 wrote:Go to a pub. Get drunk. Make friends with some drunkards. N’Ireland is bound to be full of ’em XD
not good idea in this area on youre own dodgy as fuck prob end up in A&E , use to happen fairly reguarly when i lived here. the general attitude is if don’t get in a fight then its not a good night out :crazy_diz
FUCK the council, Fuck the tax man & FUCK THE GOD DAMED PIGS[EVIL][/EVIL].:crazy:
FUCK the council, Fuck the tax man & FUCK THE GOD DAMED PIGS[EVIL][/EVIL].:crazy:
how cold is it going to be @ midge death (according to the met office is ment to be rain & wind as well):hopeless: 😥
but if i take enough ket shouldn’t notice:bounce_g: :crazy_dizhow cold is it going to be @ midge death (according to the met office is ment to be rain & wind as well):hopeless: 😥
but if i take enough ket shouldn’t notice:bounce_g: :crazy_dizbluepink_clefairy wrote:Devon is a long way away from me, and is difficult to get to as I don’t drive and things.. I suppose I could get a train but it’s going to be about 40 pounds for me plus the 25 entry fee (which I don’t mind at all, it’s just the train… TRAINS ARE A WASTE OF MONEY!), and I’m only earning just under 150 pounds a week… and on top of that, I don’t know my way around Devon really, which means I’ll probably have to get a few taxis – which will cost me even more money if it’s out the way.I’d rather have it in a place sort of central to everyone, or near enough anyway… but then that’s me lol, if everyone is fine with the idea then that’s fine, just don’t think I’d be able to make it.
Devon is a long and difficult way for people who are travelling from up North as well, or so I think anyway.
Out of all my friends only one drives, and he doesn’t like raves and preaches how much of a metal head he is all the time and things. Personally, I think he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on – he’s never even been to a rave!! But there you go lol.
Sorry to be awkward eek!
It would be cool to have somewhere slightly closer, but if Devon is the most easiest option for everyone then that’s fine… I will make it down there somehow!!! Maybe find some form of liftage from some kind person who doesn’t mind a quiet/shy [until wasted] Shelley being in their car! ^_^
if you book train tickets far enough in advance you can get them for
pitance .i got tickets from edinburgh to glade & back for less than 60 bucksbluepink_clefairy wrote:Devon is a long way away from me, and is difficult to get to as I don’t drive and things.. I suppose I could get a train but it’s going to be about 40 pounds for me plus the 25 entry fee (which I don’t mind at all, it’s just the train… TRAINS ARE A WASTE OF MONEY!), and I’m only earning just under 150 pounds a week… and on top of that, I don’t know my way around Devon really, which means I’ll probably have to get a few taxis – which will cost me even more money if it’s out the way.I’d rather have it in a place sort of central to everyone, or near enough anyway… but then that’s me lol, if everyone is fine with the idea then that’s fine, just don’t think I’d be able to make it.
Devon is a long and difficult way for people who are travelling from up North as well, or so I think anyway.
Out of all my friends only one drives, and he doesn’t like raves and preaches how much of a metal head he is all the time and things. Personally, I think he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on – he’s never even been to a rave!! But there you go lol.
Sorry to be awkward eek!
It would be cool to have somewhere slightly closer, but if Devon is the most easiest option for everyone then that’s fine… I will make it down there somehow!!! Maybe find some form of liftage from some kind person who doesn’t mind a quiet/shy [until wasted] Shelley being in their car! ^_^
if you book train tickets far enough in advance you can get them for
pitance .i got tickets from edinburgh to glade & back for less than 60 bucksgloballoon wrote:fuck alton towerslet’s RAVE
couldn’t agree more:bounce_fl just tell me where & when, plus never been to devon & have heard loads of good things about ,also is that not where they make buckfast the the best drink on
the planetgloballoon wrote:fuck alton towerslet’s RAVE
couldn’t agree more:bounce_fl just tell me where & when, plus never been to devon & have heard loads of good things about ,also is that not where they make buckfast the the best drink on
the planetthe first dance track i remember hearing was that mario bros tune :yakk: chessy or wat, but the track that got me into this dance scene was prodigy ‘outer space’ :weee: :crazy_diz :bounce_fl
If you lived in scotland could help with the whole acid techno & tech thing but you don’t so i can’t . :crazy:
other than that hi & i hope you meet loads of great people which on this site won’t be an issue:bounce_fl :bounce_fl :group_hug :bounce_flam goin to eruptor(acid techno) & then to jakin(techno&hard tech).diff club nights @ same venue(studio 24 ,edin) on same night . haven’t paid to get intoi eruptor for 3 years & can sneak into jakin from ther .h stuff left from last big night out should only have to spend £5 for a bottle of buckie & i’m sorted.the best night are cheap or free.
welcom to PV hope you enjoy your stay
am called dogmadave coz never of my fave club dogam which i never missed & my name is david.
not very original is it but hey if it aint broke dont fix.:bounce_flGoodDoG wrote:I am going to re-plumb our bathroom,never done it before but I have a book lol,wish me luck:weee:best of luck with the DIY & Watch out that live wire .
1) i’m an ex cheesy raver :weee: :weee: :bounce_fl :bounce_fl .who am i kiddin still am a cheesy raver ,Yeah Baby.:weee: :weee:
2) love gabba,gabba & GABBA!:bounce_fl :bounce_fl :weee: :love:
3) about to turn 30 (AAHHH!):cry: 😥 :hopeless: :hopeless:
Acidfairy wrote:Cheers Dave same to you mate….You gonna be at the Studios tonight for Eruptor or Jak-n??
YEAH! baby
both :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :weee: :weee: :hopeless: :hopeless: :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :crazy_dru :crazy_dru
raj wrote:welcome to partyvibe:bounce_g::bounce_g::bounce_g::bounce_g::bounce_g::bounce_g:
[how did you come up with your name:weee:?]
Mates at **CLUB DOGMA** gave it to me & it just stuck cause it was easier to say I’m Dogmadave than say i’m Dave !BOW!WOW:bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl
Enjoy Life