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  • in reply to: Free will #1267630

      Consciousness, whatever it actually is, would seem to be an epiphenomenon. Which to me implies that however much it feels like we’re in charge of ourselves, we aren’t really.

      I’ve just decided to go buy a couple of bottles of wine, because why the fuck not? This day is already promising to be utterly horrid, so the benefit of numbing myself to it seems to me to outweigh how much worse alcohol will make it.

      Point is: it’s a decision I feel I’ve made.

      But is it really? Assuming consciousness is an epiphenomenon, I arguably had no choice but to ask myself whether I’d go buy a couple of bottles of wine, and my decision – while not at all random – was just the one out of a number of possible end states for the processing involved, that turned out to happen. And it’s not at all impossible (though not likely) the end state came about because causality got violated like a 15 year old street kid in a gay bar at some point in the processing.

      So… I’m inclined to believe free will is whatever consciousness does to us to make us appear to act comprehensibly to ourselves, because our frame of reference is so alien to the one our decision-making happens in that our conceptions of it are entirely hypothetical to the extent that just understanding our half-arsed hypotheses requires a PhD in mathematics. Or if you prefer: free will every bit as much an illusion as strong determinism & predestination.

      in reply to: Rant Thread! #1193351

        How do you quit coke? How do you explain to the two friendly ex-users stopping by this evening that the 2 weeks you went without ended half an hour after you arranged the meeting? How does dickhead like me go to a NA meeting in a fucking church, of all things, without bursting into flames on the doorstep? And how is any of it supposed to make any kind of difference at all?


        I wish I could trade in my life for one that isn’t all kinds of broken. If there really is a god of some kind, I’m gonna punch the bastard in the dick so hard he dies.

        @DeezNuts 526131 wrote:

        That is more then likely exactly what would happen mate!

        Be tactful & stuffs. It’s very possible to ask someone to take better care of themselves without wrecking their self esteem & hurting their tender feelings & whatnot.

        in reply to: Rant Thread! #1150881

          How do you quit coke? How do you explain to the two friendly ex-users stopping by this evening that the 2 weeks you went without ended half an hour after you arranged the meeting? How does dickhead like me go to a NA meeting in a fucking church, of all things, without bursting into flames on the doorstep? And how is any of it supposed to make any kind of difference at all?


          I wish I could trade in my life for one that isn’t all kinds of broken. If there really is a god of some kind, I’m gonna punch the bastard in the dick so hard he dies.

          @DeezNuts 526131 wrote:

          That is more then likely exactly what would happen mate!

          Be tactful & stuffs. It’s very possible to ask someone to take better care of themselves without wrecking their self esteem & hurting their tender feelings & whatnot.

          in reply to: A Newbie #1263187

            They promised him he’d meet new people and see the world :p

            Fellow newbie wishing you welcome 🙂

            in reply to: HANDS UP WHO LIKES ME? #1263177

              Viv <3

              in reply to: Why? #1262997

                Am I the only one wondering how the serial killer psychologists worked it out? I mean.. Did they get clued in when all their mates from the annual serial killer convention turned up for their latest psychology lecture or something?

                … There’s totally a really messed up film script in this.

                @Chrispydelic 509085 wrote:

                Perhaps she sacrificed her Sister to the Great Horned one in the hope that he would make the man fall in love with her.

                You mean to the Great Horny One, surely? :p

                in reply to: Free pictures of BOOBS! #1262874

                  What do you give the man who has everything

                  @Izbeckistan 508818 wrote:


                  A typo 😉

                  in reply to: Free pictures of BOOBS! #1262873

                    Bonker if we both end up regulars, promise me you’ll teach me to be this effectively attention-grabbing :p

                    Anyway… OOOOIIII! You’lll always be oldfag to me 😉

                    in reply to: Really is rather good… #1262897

                      Ease of use alone I’d love if I could use Netflix. P2P sucks. Nobody has space to keep sharing stuff and almost everyone who torrents stuff have nada bandwidth. The moral thing I’m sporadically capable of convincing myself of, though… Maybe not really at fucking all right now.

                      Like I said, though… Netflix access is kind of hugely far from global. And fuck me if I know how to set up a proxy or whatever it takes to pretend to be one of The Netflix Chosen.

                      – Not criticising Netflix itself at all. Local friend of mine tried to sign up for it a while back and got a genuinely human-authored email profusely apologising that because of copyright (or similar) laws they couldn’t serve him.

                      Damn I’m wordy today. Sowwies :p

                      in reply to: The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread #1215756

                        Monday my best friend in the world got a MASSIVE (or at least… big enuff) grant from an arty art Uncle Scrooge Shiny Money Vault foundation sort of thing to rent tools+coolest ever workshop for sculpting (for a full 18 months). Pretty epic. 5 years of trying to squeeze money out of everything with money in it, for a mad dream that everything with money in it has categorically said can’t possibly ever even pay for itself.

                        Is it proof not everybody with an annual income of £500,000+ is per definition oozing evil like Ebola victims ooze bodily fluids? I’m thinking it just might be 🙂

                        …. Plus, he’s hired me (with, like, monetary compensation & stuffs) to paint it.
                        Wait… Is it an atelier if it’s on the ground floor? Or should that go in the Ask Everything thread?

                        @WicKLe 508293 wrote:

                        There IS a god!!

                        Please, please tell me vegans can eat that!

                        in reply to: Really is rather good… #1262896

                          Yeah, skimmed the Wiki. Just what I need for a semi-bad crash methinks 🙂

                          In case there’s anyone else interested out here in No Netflix, Man! Land, just Google “Saxondale filetype:torrent” and you should be set.

                          in reply to: Really is rather good… #1262895

                            @Winston Smith 508691 wrote:

                            … But often overlooked

                            Heh, had to Google it. But OK,I don’t have a TV. Guess I’ll torrented-TV-show-binge on it tomorrow or whenever I finally curl up in a ball of miserable comedown. Thanks 🙂

                            in reply to: I suspect [username] is the Police #1250616

                              @Woodlowse 508698 wrote:

                              ok i think i get it…. every new member gets tagged in this….?

                              I’m guessing you didn’t notice sooner because 3 darts is too much?

                              … Sowwies :p

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