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i wasw serveral gassed last nyt outside with jus my t-shirt on (had da other clothes on wasnt tht pished lol) furst tym av dun tht in about 8 months
awryt man :horay: …o and no broandbad ouch..least ur gettin it :bigsmile:
up here its good too :surprised i actually went outside with a t-shirt on!
was playin fine wen a tested it site :S hmm
used windows movie maker an em..its a windows media file
[media=640,480,0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCFRCo07hpU[/media] there shood work now 🙂
Edit: Added media tags!
kl man:)
aw shit sorry man didni realise it didnt load lol..jus tryed it and it says its an invalid video file or summit
i aff ma maw wen a wuz 7 we wur carryin on then she pulled me aff the cabinet in the kitched in it was booom headshot.stayed off school the next day 😀
av got a hard day of work lyk 😛 …get up at 1 o’clock in the mornin (fukin ell m8) then go out at aboot 5:30 pm then i have to test alot of alchohol for the shops i work for its a fuckin night mare 😛
its no got one lol its one of my own lol
i cant get the pic up 🙁 :S:S …its been uploaded but it aint there
well heres a pic of me a few year ago aiiiiiiiiiiiiiite
wot u doin katrina i cant see ??!?!?! :(…………aw :bigsmile:
awryt lol :bounce:
al dance to anyhin with a good drink in me
well am fucked agen 😀
awryt 🙂 :wave:
glow if ur not too busy plz go oan the chatroom 🙂 levert is not responin 🙁
as in limewire etc downloadable lol
kl cheers m8 av got acid pro but want to try summit diff 🙂 ( its downloadable)
av gone sendin to the shop to geeeet another carry oot
USE wots ur ”legal” editing sofware have you ”bought” 🙂
getting fucked 🙂