Dubstep Radio
Dubstep Radio
This dubstep radio also plays a wide range of breakbeat and hip hop, and is now broadcasting at 320kbs. The station's HTML5 radio player will start playing automatically mobile devices excepted. Now playing information and track times are available below and will update every two minutes. Links for those who prefer to use an external media player are also available.Dubstep radio links: Winamp (.pls), Windows Media Player (.asx) and Apple (.qtl).
About dubstep and breakbeat
Dubstep was originally a more rhythmically sparse take on styles such as garage and drum and bass while drawing an influence from dub music. More recent incarnations of the genre have seen it take on a much heavier form of sound with much more focus on very heavy and distorted basslines. While breakbeat (or breaks) is defined by its use of a syncopated drum pattern and big synthesized basslines. Other subgenres to emerge from breakbeat are big beat and nu skool breaks amongst others.
Save this page directly to your mobile phone home page for instant autoplay access or embed this station into any web page using the following HTML
<audio src="https://www.partyvibe.com:8067/;listen.pls?sid=1" autoplay="true" controls="true"><audio>
04.08.20 - Our web based radio players now work in all web browsers again.03.08.20 - Our radio station embed links (see above) have all recently been updated. Please be sure to update any pages you have which may be using them as soon as possible. Thank you!
Available options
1. Should streaming start immediately, options include autoplay="true" and autoplay="false".2. Controls available or not, options include controls="true" and controls="false".
3. Should audio playback be muted at launch, options include muted="true" and muted="false".
4. The volume at which playback should begin at launch, range 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (loudest).
Do they have a place to show previous or past track history? Just to know who played a song that was played on here is all…Just curious..:)
Here you go. https://www.partyviberadio.com:2199/start/high/
This station is offline??????? Why???
I was off briefly but should be good again now. Having said that please do let us know if it ever happens again! Thanks…
Welcome back! Unfortunately there’s still radio silence so, idk what’s wrong. (sad face)
THANK YOU for fixing xxoo
70% refresh of the old playlist done and dusted folks. Lots of old tracks and mixes have now been removed, and many new ones added. Enjoy!
Standby for a complete refresh of this radio station’s playlist…