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  • #1056222
    The Psyentist

      Ok so I know some of you saw that I was going to start writing a blog on here basically to document my mental health. Well today I started it and gave it a name and wrote the description.

      Bit pissed that I wasn’t aware that there was a 2000 or 3000 (can’t remember) character limit in the description. I’d spent an hour hacking out over 8000 characters, so had to significantly reduce it.

      The bit that has confused me though is that I’m not sure if I’ve successfully submitted my blog because when I clicked submit the page appeared to simply refresh and I don’t think anything happened, also how do I go about continuing my blog; as obviously I’ll have additional info to put in from time to time.

      Any help would be appreciated.

      The Psyentist

        Genuinely unsure if there’s a problem with site or my comp or if I’m just being thick. The latter is most likely.

        General Lighting

          I can see the title but not any posts.

          What I would suggest (for any long content you create) is to do this in Word or Notepad or Notepad ++ first and save regularly. That way if the online service rejects it or you get a network fault you have not lost your local content. It may seem like an old fashioned thing to do (admittedly I come from the times when computers rarely could be trusted not to crash at least once whilst working on a long project).

          Also be aware that a “long read article” in the Grauniad is approx 5000 worlds and often they have to say its a long article or folk complain its too long to read (and that is for a paper supposedly aimed at intelligent readers. :crazy: )

          The Psyentist

            Thanks for the quick reply there GL. I’ll have a look at where I went wrong using what you’ve said in a bit.

            The Psyentist

              Ahh, see now at least the description has come up that wasn’t showing before. Think it is my comp jibbing to be honest after my girlfriend just tried to install an Estonian version of Microsoft office?! Fuck knows why neither of us speak Estonian lol. As a punishment I sent her to Tesco to go buy her own laptop.

              I’ve had this laptop roughly 6 months maybe a bit longer, in that time she is now on her 3rd laptop in the same period of time lol

              Dr Bunsen

                I’ve had a look at your post which seems to be there however I’m not aware of being to change the lenght of the description unfortunately. However a description should really be just that, a few words to describe it, so you might have put what you wrote in your first post…


                The Psyentist

                  Yeah cheers Doc, I got it sussed now.

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