Forums The Vibe Chat Is everything around us

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      art? I think so. How you dress, the way you talk, your smile, what you believe in, the way you love someone, the food you make, how you decorate your house, how you party, your shopping list, how your writing looks, what you think, what you feal, what you dream.

      Is life itself not art?


        Well Life is what you make of it, if you perceive it to be depressing it’ll be depressing, if you perceive it as art it’ll be art.
        I can see how a lot of things are art.. especially nature. To some extent we are all art too.


          Well in terms of humans, everything we do is an expression of ourselves and the world around us. So I think everything we do has an artistic element to it.

          Gylfi Gudbjornsson

            I’m a fan of art, but I cannot stand this contemporary shit. It’s not stylish, its dull boring white plastic shit.


              The Tracy Emins of the world make me shudder.

              Sorry love, not art! Arse!


                Everything is art!! We are walking pieces of art, and the world around is is our canvas
                I agree, art is how we express ourselves whether good or bad, it’s the communication of our emotions


                  Your just wierd, man.



                    But yes my loving is an art to the lucky ones :laugh_at:


                      Yeah i’d say so, after all it is only typical that art be a drawing, a painting or sculpture, but if you broaden your mind then you realise that art is everything we create. Without imagination – would we even be?

                      Tank Girl

                        17 Captivating Fractals Found in Nature | WebEcoist

                        Nature is art

                        I was told once, ‘anything that is emotive is art’

                        I agree

                          Tank Girl

                            I like a lot of contemporary art,

                            I think the thing with art is it is always changing, what my parents thought as contemporary is old fashioned to us – including music

                            Some of Tracey emnins stuff I don’t get but some I do ( I went to her first exhibition when I was an art student, we only went as it had free champagne and I remember rolling around in her tent, and we licked champagne off of a statues tits outside the camberwell gallery after – it was only years later I realised it was ‘her’ opening night)
                            Same with Gilbert and george, adrian and shane, jeff koons, damien hurst etc

                            I know what I like and what I don’t, visual strand audio
                            I try not to get too hooked into genres or the art behind the art
                            A friend of mine is a conceptual artist (doing really well for herself) I haven’t a clue bout the concept, I don’t understand it, but I really like the end product, I’ve told her this and for her the concept is important to her, if you get it- that’s a bonus but art is what you make of it


                              @korno 523719 wrote:

                              Wow that’s awesome!

                              That’s not art, it’s mathematics. Look up fribonacci

                              Tank Girl

                                @Chrispydelic 523737 wrote:

                                That’s not art, it’s mathematics. Look up fribonacci

                                It might be maths but its still art


                                  well murder and rape are art forms too surely?


                                    I agree completely with the Girly Tank re: Anything emotive is art.

                                    I’d also add that it’s anything that provokes thought/reflection. So in answer, yeah I think art exists in everything around us, but each individual has their own perception of this world and therefore this art doesn’t ever exist in its entirety for any one person. I think that makes sense… :crazy_diz


                                      Yes! and also as proletariat, what we produce when we sell our labor is an art that is lost to the bourgeoisie! We deserve to have control over the means of production! We need revolt!


                                        I’m not doing occupy edinburgh again, lol that was brutal, n.e.ds were coming at us with knives and we had to stay awake all night long cos they were coming at the tents and marquees with petrol and matches.
                                        There are too many fucking delinquents about, and they are the ones who breed the most amount!


                                          @korno 524039 wrote:

                                          I’m not doing occupy edinburgh again, lol that was brutal, n.e.ds were coming at us with knives and we had to stay awake all night long cos they were coming at the tents and marquees with petrol and matches.
                                          There are too many fucking delinquents about, and they are the ones who breed the most amount!

                                          Wait…wuuut ?!


                                            Haha, in reply to chelley saying that we need ‘revolt’

                                            MC G-Tek

                                              @korno 524039 wrote:

                                              I’m not doing occupy edinburgh again, lol that was brutal, n.e.ds were coming at us with knives and we had to stay awake all night long cos they were coming at the tents and marquees with petrol and matches.
                                              There are too many fucking delinquents about, and they are the ones who breed the most amount!

                                              They breed the most cos they’ve got fuck all else to occupy their time mate. They’ve got 90 mins a week taken up with either the Hibees or the Jambos and other than that, their time’s divided between fighting, fucking and getting wrecked! Quite impressive really considering even p0ly only has time for 2 out of the 3 in his schedule!

                                              Flavour Changer

                                                ‘art’ implies a detatchment or separation of conceptual boundaries; you know like when does the armchair stop being an armchair – it’s the temporary distinguishing of an idea from its context – generally as a reflective process. If you were to view a human as art then it actually becomes more interesting; at what physical boundary does a human stop being a human, if we effect something then does that become part of us as an idea.

                                                There is also the dualistic argument that an artwork is a conduit for the ideas that it has been loaded with and that will be recieved.

                                                Art is also generally timeless, its detachment and separation from ‘functional’ reality makes it step back from the conventional linear perception of time which we usually work with.

                                                Art’s more of a process than a thing really.


                                                  art is getting smashed on a weekday and chasing a fox through a field in a toyota


                                                    @MC G-Tek 524045 wrote:

                                                    They breed the most cos they’ve got fuck all else to occupy their time mate. They’ve got 90 mins a week taken up with either the Hibees or the Jambos and other than that, their time’s divided between fighting, fucking and getting wrecked! Quite impressive really considering even p0ly only has time for 2 out of the 3 in his schedule!

                                                    i combine getting wrecked and fucking to save time.

                                                    Flavour Changer

                                                      whenever someone says ‘Saving Time’ I picture a 50’s comic of a anti-superhero called time man whose job it is to protect time from the assaults of discovery of the psychonauts. Time man is grey suited and grey faced and never moves from his desk; a position from which he can observe all of matter. Graphic novel idea anyone?

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Is everything around us