Forums Music Music Production Sakura

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  • #1053641

      Been messing around making some noise this morning and I was trying some of the built in plug ins you get with FL. Some of them are pretty lame and basic but this one has deffo tickled my fancy Sakura it is limited places but the sounds I’m getting are realy hard. I’m gonna use it for my mid range on my next project.

      I don’t know if it will work on any other DAW cos daftfader tried getting toxic biohazard on cuebase and it didn’t work cos apparantly they are not propper VSTi’s

      Sound great though : )


        Wow just watching the demo vid of it. Quite funny. I forgot I had a distorion effect on the mixer channel I loaded it on to. Thats why it sounds so hard. LOL

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      Forums Music Music Production Sakura