Forums The Vibe Chat Curious to the numbers

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  • #1045288

      As it has been mentioned on this forum a couple of times, I am curious to the percentage of partiers we have on this site.

      If you have been to a party in the last month click yes 🙂

      (I know a few of you are old partiers who may no longer go, you can also click yes)


        2 partys in the past 4 weekends :bounce_fl:bounce_fl

        Dan Ooops


          starlaugh;232916 wrote:
          (I know a few of you are old partiers who may no longer go, you can also click yes)

          Oi cheeky…:weee:
          As it happens, I am an “old partier” but I have actually been out in the last four weeks:love:(Safety Street anyone…), so your timing allows a geniune yes….

          PLEASE NOTE MR AHC – I do still go out, and now I’ve been found out!!

          But – if you allow us olds to vote yes even if we haven’t been out then surely it will not be a true rep??

          Can you add an “I’m old and don’t go out, I just party in my head:crazy_dru” button?


            think im one of the only few who are out every weekend!!!!:bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl


              yep, quite a few this summer. It’s been wicked apart from weather.


                Yep I’ve been to 2 (safety street and sumtek) and we’ve done one raaa

                  spangle;232936 wrote:
                  Yep I’ve been to 2 (safety street and sumtek) and we’ve done one raaa

                  were you at scumtek :yakk: .. i pmed you a few times but you never replyed .. 😥


                    I get to a fair few, Its always a good trek for me though so not as often as i’d likeraaa


                      Yep, a couple a month on average this year I reckon. Been having a wicked time.raaa

                        DaftFader;232937 wrote:
                        were you at scumtek :yakk: .. i pmed you a few times but you never replyed .. 😥

                        sorry mate I weren’t near a computer to get the msg till after we got back from it! wat u think?? I ad a phatty, friendliest london party I been to :group_hug


                          iv been to a free party every single week for the past 4 months apart from once, when i went to a festible lol :crazy:


                            free licenced festival if that counts.

                              spangle;232952 wrote:
                              sorry mate I weren’t near a computer to get the msg till after we got back from it! wat u think?? I ad a phatty, friendliest london party I been to :group_hug

                              yeah it was wkd .. so much for it being the scummy option .. i thought it was well fluffy :weee: .. i gonna post a vid once i have converted it .. 😉


                                1 free party, 2 festivals with 1 weekend off for a holiday in sweden. i’m in my 30s with 2 kids and have been going raving since the end of 1990

                                sad old git or hardcore raver?

                                  globalloon;232979 wrote:
                                  1 free party, 2 festivals with 1 weekend off for a holiday in sweden. i’m in my 30s with 2 kids and have been going raving since the end of 1990

                                  sad old git or hardcore raver?

                                  Well I’d say you’re in the Hardcore Raver camp. 😉

                                  I don’t go raving anymore, why not people might ask but I have my reasons! :love:

                                    DJCliffy;232995 wrote:
                                    Well I’d say you’re in the Hardcore Raver camp. 😉

                                    I don’t go raving anymore, why not people might ask but I have my reasons! :love:

                                    your a plastic raver :laugh_at:


                                      been out every weekend this year since the first outdoor party at the end of feb, Been to 5 festivals as well. gonna start winding down a bit now tho. The persians not the partying. Mine and my friends health is to precious to me now. :love:

                                      General Lighting

                                        1991 until 2007 East Anglia lockdown. Only one season off, 2002/2003 in Reading / the Ridgeway as things were going downhill there although SE England’s scene then picked up for a bit and went pear shaped again

                                        There were Norfolk-style” riots, people getting badly into class A’s and ketamine taking more of a hold, stuff what people in SE England seem to forget when berating the East Anglians for making the same mistakes.

                                        Even this year I’ve still managed a few legal nights, Philosophers Fair festival and a “sort of” free party (actually just someones leaving party) but even that got closed down! Was tempted to go back to Reading now and then but travel costs alone are about £40 these days, and the “comedown journey” is 3 hours plus through Essex on coaches/buses as the railway line is always disrupted in some form or another..

                                        TBH I’d still go but many of my new friends from this areas (only in their 20s) don’t bother any more!

                                          Dan Ooops!;232922 wrote:

                                          Oi cheeky…:weee:
                                          As it happens, I am an “old partier” but I have actually been out in the last four weeks:love:(Safety Street anyone…), so your timing allows a geniune yes….

                                          PLEASE NOTE MR AHC – I do still go out, and now I’ve been found out!!

                                          But – if you allow us olds to vote yes even if we haven’t been out then surely it will not be a true rep??

                                          Can you add an “I’m old and don’t go out, I just party in my head:crazy_dru” button?

                                          Well the reason I put older partier in there is that some may not still go but like to chat to people in the scene, I started this thread as someone said in a post that this site no longer had people who attended freeparties. Just thought I would see if they were thinking the truth raaa

                                            djprocess;233012 wrote:
                                            been out every weekend this year since the first outdoor party at the end of feb, Been to 5 festivals as well. gonna start winding down a bit now tho. The persians not the partying. Mine and my friends health is to precious to me now. :love:

                                            you friend? .. would that be SWIM? :laugh_at:


                                              Not made it to any this summer 🙁 Had to redo a pile of stuff for my degree which meant I figured I should try to limit the amount I go out. Made it to 3 festivals though. I moved down to Devon a few years ago, and have had trouble meeting the right people to hear about parties down this way. I’m the only one out of my raving mates who can (or is willing to) drive and to be honest I can’t be fucked with driving a long way to an event which I have to leave the next day, I don’t like driving till I’ve had a while to recover and a lot of people I know have no patience. Wouldn’t mind attending the bank holiday jobbies, as it gives me a bit more time normally to recover which means I don’t have to hold back, but then looking at the vids from the tek this year I think I might just give the larger parties a miss altogether.. If I could go to some smaller ones round these ways I might, but the only things I hear about are bristol/wales way and its a bit too far for me to bother missioning to for one night. I am proper tempted by french tek and dragon festival next year, gunna get me a van and do those with any luck. Should do a few more next summer as the studying will be done so I’ll be more able to get messy.

                                              Off to recydrate the west tomorrow should be good.

                                                DaftFader;233049 wrote:
                                                you friend? .. would that be SWIM? :laugh_at:

                                                no my friends. ones had major op on his head and got to have 3 or 4 more and the other had a kind of siezure/overdose thing the other week and almost bit his tongue in 2 and couldnt eat/speak for a week and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth. not good so im calming down and telling all the people i love to have a word with themselves as well. life and friends are too precious. Not gonna stop completely, but just try and rain it in a bit so i dont have to do it all the time or do so much for so long. Also it’ll end up being a lot cheaper! 😉 someone also had a word with me about my use as well at the weekend, which hit home a bit..


                                                  djprocess;233069 wrote:
                                                  no my friends. ones had major op on his head and got to have 3 or 4 more and the other had a kind of siezure/overdose thing the other week and almost bit his tongue in 2 and couldnt eat/speak for a week and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth. not good so im calming down and telling all the people i love to have a word with themselves as well. life and friends are too precious. Not gonna stop completely, but just try and rain it in a bit so i dont have to do it all the time or do so much for so long. Also it’ll end up being a lot cheaper! 😉 someone also had a word with me about my use as well at the weekend, which hit home a bit..


                                                  yeah i had a word with my self a few weeks ago when i fell over my shoes on ket and knocked my self uncosiouse on my m8s floor .. think i chiped a bit of bone on my elbow as well as i was agony for a good few weeks .. still slightly bruised and hurts slightly .. but only just started to easy up on the pain .. didn’t last too long tho as i was out caining it the next weekend >.< .. but not to the same extent mind you so something was learnt 😉

                                                    DaftFader;232996 wrote:
                                                    you’re a plastic raver :laugh_at:

                                                    lol cheeky sod! :love:

                                                      DJCliffy;233085 wrote:
                                                      lol cheeky sod! :love:

                                                      you corrected my spelling .. now thats cheeky :hopeless::laugh_at:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Curious to the numbers