Forums The Vibe Chat being nice

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      today i randomly bought a box of 30 packs of crisps and shared them round the bus with my mate, mostly schoolkids on bus

      everyone was pleasently suprised but like “how weird”

      its a bit silly for it to be weird to be nice

      when it is no longer weird and abnormal to simply be nice to people, it’ll be a much better day-to-day life


        often do things like that.


          often do things like that.


            yeah random acts of kindness are cool :bounce_fl


              yeah random acts of kindness are cool :bounce_fl

                MrAHC wrote:
                often do things like that.

                good on ya mate. some people are pleasently suprised, some people are like “you weirdo” :you_crazy

                  MrAHC wrote:
                  often do things like that.

                  good on ya mate. some people are pleasently suprised, some people are like “you weirdo” :you_crazy

                    boothy wrote:
                    good on ya mate. some people are pleasently suprised, some people are like “you weirdo” :you_crazy

                    i find most folk go for the latter. they aint used to stuff like that.

                      boothy wrote:
                      good on ya mate. some people are pleasently suprised, some people are like “you weirdo” :you_crazy

                      i find most folk go for the latter. they aint used to stuff like that.

                      Playground Politics
                        boothy wrote:
                        today i randomly bought a box of 30 packs of crisps and shared them round the bus with my mate, mostly schoolkids on bus

                        everyone was pleasently suprised but like “how weird”

                        its a bit silly for it to be weird to be nice

                        £1.50 for 30 packs of crisps from tesco, try it! or somethin similair… the reactions are pricless!

                        fucking hippy, nahhh good on ya, i once bought a present for my mum for her birthday, she was like “fucking weirdo”

                        Playground Politics
                          boothy wrote:
                          today i randomly bought a box of 30 packs of crisps and shared them round the bus with my mate, mostly schoolkids on bus

                          everyone was pleasently suprised but like “how weird”

                          its a bit silly for it to be weird to be nice

                          £1.50 for 30 packs of crisps from tesco, try it! or somethin similair… the reactions are pricless!

                          fucking hippy, nahhh good on ya, i once bought a present for my mum for her birthday, she was like “fucking weirdo”


                            I often share the wealth when out and about. 😉


                              I often share the wealth when out and about. 😉


                                the main point of this thread wasn’t me tryin to be like “ooh i was nice, how good am i” 😉 honest!

                                it was more

                                when it is no longer weird and abnormal to simply be nice to people, it’ll be a much better day-to-day life


                                  the main point of this thread wasn’t me tryin to be like “ooh i was nice, how good am i” 😉 honest!

                                  it was more

                                  when it is no longer weird and abnormal to simply be nice to people, it’ll be a much better day-to-day life


                                    I tried this as I had a couple of the boxes of smarties (large boxes) and was trying to offer them to people on the train when I was a bit wasted..

                                    Most people laughed and either took some or politely refused, but some tosser decided to have a right go at me.. called me a cunt and if I didn’t move away from him I was gonna get a punch!

                                    Told him to stop being a twat and brighten up… I then pointed out how impressed I was with the hight of his waist band on his trousers, which then caused me to cry in laughter :laugh_at: he just looked puzzled.

                                    Since then I haven’t bothered, however I did like the KitKat chunky someone sent to me through the internal post at work with a note saying “This is a random act of kindness, Enjoy!!”


                                      I tried this as I had a couple of the boxes of smarties (large boxes) and was trying to offer them to people on the train when I was a bit wasted..

                                      Most people laughed and either took some or politely refused, but some tosser decided to have a right go at me.. called me a cunt and if I didn’t move away from him I was gonna get a punch!

                                      Told him to stop being a twat and brighten up… I then pointed out how impressed I was with the hight of his waist band on his trousers, which then caused me to cry in laughter :laugh_at: he just looked puzzled.

                                      Since then I haven’t bothered, however I did like the KitKat chunky someone sent to me through the internal post at work with a note saying “This is a random act of kindness, Enjoy!!”


                                        When Boro played at Peterborough in the cup about 20 years ago I had a spare ticket.

                                        Tried to give it away in the pubs beforehand but everyone was sorted. As I went through the turnstile a bloke started freaking out cos he’d lost his ticket.

                                        His reaction when I passed him my spare one was priceless. I think he just stopped short of offering me his wife for the night.:weee:


                                          When Boro played at Peterborough in the cup about 20 years ago I had a spare ticket.

                                          Tried to give it away in the pubs beforehand but everyone was sorted. As I went through the turnstile a bloke started freaking out cos he’d lost his ticket.

                                          His reaction when I passed him my spare one was priceless. I think he just stopped short of offering me his wife for the night.:weee:

                                          General Lighting
                                            boothy wrote:
                                            when it is no longer weird and abnormal to simply be nice to people, it’ll be a much better day-to-day life

                                            in semi rural areas and amongst older communities its still like that to an extent

                                            a lot of people are paranoid only because they’ve had bad experiences before – in London the most common way of someone getting robbed is a person there age initially being friendly.. and some Londoners deliberately seek out “old style friendly bumpkin communities” to turn them over (even on the alternative scene it happens)

                                            General Lighting
                                              boothy wrote:
                                              when it is no longer weird and abnormal to simply be nice to people, it’ll be a much better day-to-day life

                                              in semi rural areas and amongst older communities its still like that to an extent

                                              a lot of people are paranoid only because they’ve had bad experiences before – in London the most common way of someone getting robbed is a person there age initially being friendly.. and some Londoners deliberately seek out “old style friendly bumpkin communities” to turn them over (even on the alternative scene it happens)

                                                Heavy wrote:
                                                When Boro played at Peterborough in the cup about 20 years ago I had a spare ticket.

                                                Tried to give it away in the pubs beforehand but everyone was sorted. As I went through the turnstile a bloke started freaking out cos he’d lost his ticket.

                                                His reaction when I passed him my spare one was priceless. I think he just stopped short of offering me his wife for the night.:weee:

                                                My mate did something similar with Live8 tickets or something like that (sure he had to pay for the tickets) well he went down to the place where the event was and touts were trying to buy the tickets off him but he wasn’t having any of it. Then the touts tried to sell tickets to a bloke so my mate ran over and just handed the bloke the tickets and told him to have a good day! :weee:

                                                  Heavy wrote:
                                                  When Boro played at Peterborough in the cup about 20 years ago I had a spare ticket.

                                                  Tried to give it away in the pubs beforehand but everyone was sorted. As I went through the turnstile a bloke started freaking out cos he’d lost his ticket.

                                                  His reaction when I passed him my spare one was priceless. I think he just stopped short of offering me his wife for the night.:weee:

                                                  My mate did something similar with Live8 tickets or something like that (sure he had to pay for the tickets) well he went down to the place where the event was and touts were trying to buy the tickets off him but he wasn’t having any of it. Then the touts tried to sell tickets to a bloke so my mate ran over and just handed the bloke the tickets and told him to have a good day! :weee:

                                                    General Lighting wrote:
                                                    in semi rural areas and amongst older communities its still like that to an extent

                                                    a lot of people are paranoid only because they’ve had bad experiences before – in London the most common way of someone getting robbed is a person there age initially being friendly.. and some Londoners deliberately seek out “old style friendly bumpkin communities” to turn them over (even on the alternative scene it happens)

                                                    yeah i wouldnt go upto someone on the street and do it, i’d be wary if someone did that to me. on a bus it werent too bad tho.

                                                    i remember in bradford some teenage lads came upto us (a few years back) and were like “scuse mate, do you know the time?” and i said “yeah blah blah” and they went “just check to make sure will ya? on your mobile…” so i pointed to a big clock behind them and they went “it might be wrong”

                                                    i laughed, what a shit attempt at getting someone to pull out their phone.

                                                      General Lighting wrote:
                                                      in semi rural areas and amongst older communities its still like that to an extent

                                                      a lot of people are paranoid only because they’ve had bad experiences before – in London the most common way of someone getting robbed is a person there age initially being friendly.. and some Londoners deliberately seek out “old style friendly bumpkin communities” to turn them over (even on the alternative scene it happens)

                                                      yeah i wouldnt go upto someone on the street and do it, i’d be wary if someone did that to me. on a bus it werent too bad tho.

                                                      i remember in bradford some teenage lads came upto us (a few years back) and were like “scuse mate, do you know the time?” and i said “yeah blah blah” and they went “just check to make sure will ya? on your mobile…” so i pointed to a big clock behind them and they went “it might be wrong”

                                                      i laughed, what a shit attempt at getting someone to pull out their phone.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat being nice