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  • #1037633

      hi just got on 2 the web site can i say what a nice place
      I have one thing to ask
      all put ya thinking hats on and tell me what do u think makes a good party in 2 a wicked “PARTY”:horay:


        Hi God,

        Welcome to partyvibe.

        That’s a tricky one I suppose. Location plays a big part I think, and quality music. Most of all though it’s got to be the people. When everybody is on the same friendly happy buzz then it’s one of the things that makes a party.

        The mates you come with, the people you meet, the people you don’t meet. All of them contribute to make a good party turn in to an awesome party.

        But there has still got to be those base factors there. If it was strictly garage party or something then I’d find it tricky to really enjoy myself. So although the people make a party you have got to have the key elements. Which as I’ve already said are IMO music & location.

        General Lighting
          • a decent mix of music styles
          • the right mix of people – not worried about labels like chavs/hippies etc but just people who are there to party and not pose/fight etc..
          • meeting new friends and catching up with old ones….
          • good surroundings/places to explore
          • maybe a bit of banter with locals but no confrontation
          • minimal hassles from cops..

          BTW welcome to partyvibe! Good to see someone else from Suffolk, just recently moved here and getting used to the place..


            I am not sure I am ok with answering to GOD who is the ultimate LORD and I am not happy with anyone who wants to lord it over others. 😉

            what do u think makes a good party in 2 a wicked “PARTY”

            IMO what makes a good party is people, places and planning and what makes it wicked is when the good feeling of others is multiplyed and can be felt as a collective emotion.


              having my best friends around me

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            Forums The Vibe Chat hi