Forums Web Site Your Feedback, Questions & Suggestions Using our media player

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  • #1037400
    Techno Viking


      How to use our media player

      The tag without options:

      [media]url_of_the_file[ /MEDIA]


      [media]http://server/file.mp3[ /MEDIA]

      Shown as a mp3 player (Use the flash mp3 player by default).

      Tag with options:

      [media=width,height,autostart,extension]url_of_the_file[ /MEDIA]
      [media=width,height,autostart]url_of_the_file[ /MEDIA]
      [media=width,height]url_of_the_file[ /MEDIA]


      [media=100,200,yes,rm]http://server/file.mp3[ /MEDIA]

      It will use the real player to play the file.mp3, the object is 100px width, 200px height, and it will autostart.

      [media=150,250,0]http://server/file.swf[ /MEDIA]

      It will use the flash player to play the file.swf, the object is 150px width, 250px height, and it’ll NOT autostart.

      [media=211,421]http://server/file.pdf[ /MEDIA]

      It will post the pdf object on the page, the object is 211px width, 421px height.

      Other Rule:

      1.WIDTH and HEIGHT are both required if you want to use options
      2.Available values for the AUTOSTART option: 1, true & yes.
      3.Separate the options with commas, don’t add quotes.


        i’m an old git, so shoot me

        why isn’t anyone smiling?

        it seems a bit dark and hideous to a 1990 raver like me


        Techno Viking

          Shame really…



            i was lying

            it looks wicked


              does look a proper laugh. anyone scoped the street ninja i stuck in me journal? well worth a perusal, if inly to make you realise how unhealthy we all are.

              nice one on sorting the ebedded option!

              Techno Viking
                globalloon wrote:
                i was lying

                it looks wicked

                More fool me for thinking you were making a point about the status quo! 🙂


                  i dunno

                  think i was feeling narky cos it’s been so farking freezing that there’s been no parties round here much for a while

                  that tune isn’t what i’d choose to listen to… but it does look like everyone is having fun


                  Techno Viking

                    Jus thought I’d add that you use this icon media.gif (top right) in your post editor window to link to pretty much all media types (flv, swf, swf, spl, mov, qt, mqv, mpeg, mpg, m1s, m1v, m1a, m75, m15, mp2, mpm, mpv, mpa, flc, fli, cel, rtsp, rts, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, sdv, amc, mp4, sdp, rm, rmvb, ra, rv, ram, smil, mp3, wma, wav, ogg, ape, mid, midi, asf, asx, wm, wmv, wax, wvx, avi, pdf, fdf, xfdf, xdp, xfd, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, xpm, torrent, google, youtube, vsocial).


                      This is really cool 🙂 Is it a vBulletin plugin or can it be used standalone ?

                      Techno Viking
                        SdZ wrote:
                        This is really cool 🙂 Is it a vBulletin plugin or can it be used standalone ?

                        It’s a vbulletin thing…

                        Techno Viking


                          Techno Viking

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                          Forums Web Site Your Feedback, Questions & Suggestions Using our media player