Forums The Vibe Chat New Puritans – new danger?

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  • #1036872
    General Lighting

      just read this article on the observer/grauniad site…. its a bit long to relay here in full,11913,1596540,00.html

      but its mentioning an increasing tendency amongst otherwise liberal young people to become more puritanical in their lifestyles, including being anti drugs/noise/binge drinking..

      now stuff like wanting to look after the environment is of course good, but many of these people are supporting the state clamping down on lifestyles and think it should go further…

      its a perceived backlash against “chavs/permissive society” but this isn’t from middle england tories, its people “our” age – this also ties in with what was going on last year when young people in their 20s and 30s were not only calling 999 on raves in my area, but openly complaining to the local press about the noise and disruption…

      could this be a big danger to the rave scene (unless perhaps we re-invent ourselves a bit like that excellent synergy psy-trance do.?)


        between 12 and 6 months ago there was run of parties in a warehouse less than a kilometre from my house

        i went and enjoyed, but my neighbours weren’t happy about the noise and the last time one happened, my wife was home, heavily pregnant and got little sleep that night due to the noise from the party

        if you’re going to throw a free party, plan your lacation well… get a compass and an OS map and work out which direction to point the rig (if outdoors)

        same principal goes for urban locations in my book

        why should people have any respect for our way of life if we don’t have any for theirs?

        */ waits to be pelted for sounding like a middle aged tory

        General Lighting

          this is essentially what fucked the thames valley scene

          people got a bit complacent and thought they were untouchable….

          whilst for years the backlash was building up from locals…, at the same time all the building smashing got right on top, I’ve seen new plumbing installs rinsed for no reason, not even gypsies wanting the fittings, just wanton destruction….

          mind you I’ve just had a look on various club forums for a laugh and seen some anecdotes about what goes on in commercial clubs – OK got nothing against people who want to go to fetish clubs or anyones sexuality but stuff some people were doing in public was just completely wrong IMO… I daren’t write about here as it would trigger the new filter at my work tomorrow which selectively blocks out threads…

          (I did laugh at the tale of two “crasher kids” in fluffy camp gear fighting in the gents though)

          also found stories about chavs dancing on the stack at a free party in guildford (must be some time ago) and then pissing upon everyone :pee:(they got a kicking and were made to clean it up)

          but that wasn’t reallly the worst of it, there were stacks of stories of real violence (lots of claret spilt….) and people overdosing / using needles etc, gunshots at events, some places seem more like going to iraq to party!

          this is in legal, licensed places…. and all those club boards must be read by normals and cops as well.

          I’m not fucking surprised people are becoming new puritans TBH


            The problem with this country is it is in denial, its fucked over and fucked up from which every way and the cause is not clear and it is muddied by changes that have taken place over the long 10 centuries of bloody rule, changes that came from the like of plague, empire building and world war, changes that led to rights being won back but because the cause is never tackled because of the denial of the fact we have a system that is classed and these so called freedoms are clawed back and sub-class is turned on sub-class and the upper(class)gets the pleasure and the lower(class)gets the blame, there are only two classes IMO middle is just a sub-class of lower and they are in denial if they think any different.

            Britain is still under full occupation from the 1066 invasion, the denial of this allows others to be blamed, allows the symptoms to be blamed and the cause to continue.

            At the moment to varying degrees some people gather monies and privilege directly from the crimes of this occupation and the so called middle-england are quite happy to benefit directly or indirectly (they want to seek some equality in the land before they get any sympathy from me.)

            The same goes for the new puritans, the same for the old puritans and the civil war, DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL.


            that said GL is right to be worried by this sympton but the cause is my pet subject


              totally agree with the last thread

              I recently heard about new puritanism. we shd not be surprised though, for a few years now youngsters have been reported as conservative with a small c – maybe due to the 60s when their parents were liberated and children always go the opposite way to their parents.

              I always hated the Beatles in my youth – why? Because the olds worshipped them. No other reason.

              Youngsters live in a much scarier world – there is pressure to conform. There is a lot more to lose now – status symbols have more weight. I feel sorry for them, all beavering away at millions of exams from the age of 5. No concrete welfare state to tide them over til they decide what they want to do with their lives. I suppose if I started life as a 21 year old graduate with £15k of debt to repay to my government I’d hate people who go out & have fun too.

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            Forums The Vibe Chat New Puritans – new danger?