…… for instance, I would have went to college straight out of high school instead of taking a job….. I would have spent the money I saved for DJ equipment on college instead (here in US its different, we get out of school later- age 18-)…….. I would never have moved to Myrtle beach… everyone here is so unfriendly… ya know how sometimes this board goes for days w/out anyone saying anything? well, thats MY LIFE. yea, I have been living here for 2 yrs & NO ONE has asked me to go shopping, talk politics, or even asked me out for a cup of coffee!!….. My boyfriend (who I met @ record shop b/c I was buying wax & he owns the place)wants to move as well….. Im done ranting for now. Hopefully this will start some sort f discussion- god knows I could use some mind stimulation right about now!!