DOING IT YOUR SELF (taken from, I found this advice to be very useful and true.)
Guide to running your own Sound System
You are your best punter.
There is no distinction between you and your punters. If you are trying to satisfy your punters as if they are some kind of extraneous third party you will enjoy yourselves less, and if you don't enjoy what you are doing you will not do it well. This first rule is often broken, some people see themselves as 'in the know' or 'full time party crew' and everybody else as part-timers. Many people start running sound systems because they see others doing it and wish it were them in control, which is cool, but this is the first rule that you must learn if you want your parties to be fun.
Success is never round the corner.
If you had a laugh at your last party success is already here. Remember a bigger party is not a better party. A louder rig is not a better rig. There are plenty of sound systems that have made a name for themselves and are known across the world, there are also plenty of little rigs that out smile, and out dance the biggest sound systems, have made more friends in the process and have less attitude.
Always be willing to lend a hand.
If you want things to go smoothly you will need a lot of help. You can't expect help for parties if you are not willing to help others in their missions. Karma will always catch up on you, and you will always be rewarded if you sort people out.
Get technical.
Someone in your crew needs to know how to pull apart an amp build speakers and mend generators if you are to sort it out in the long run. Remember no-one is born with an ability to understand electronics running your own rig should be your lesson. Get technical make a point of learning how to do everything from the people that are helping out now. If its Bob that's the spark get Bob to teach you because one day Bob's gonna move to France/ get married/ die/ have a cosmic experience that renders him speechless and useless.
Build your own rig.
There is one sure fire way to make sure that you sound system is the best for you and that's to build it your self. Before you get your hands dirty and get into carpentry do some research first to make sure your not wasting your time. Stand in front of as many different rigs as you can and chat to the people that made them, the final word however is your ear, what ever you like the sound of build. When you build your own rig you'll end up loving it and it becomes a part of your life. Don't get side tracked by statistics. A 23K rig that is all out of phase will sound worse than a 3K rig that is properly sorted out.
Don't overestimate the power of sound
A good rig and excellent DJ's / live sets does not make a party. A party is made by the people there enjoying themselves. That means space to move, a good vibe, nice cold beer, enough light to see, enough space to dance, enough space to sit down, enough space to fall over, no scallies, no hassle from neighbors/ police. A rig is important but its not the be all and end all of a party. Take a hint from the likes of Warp who show a 24hr play, get a bouncy castle, look at Mutoid Waste Co. While you may get called a "Sound System" if that's all you are, you might as well be a hi-fi.
Don't get sucked in by the fact the police call you criminals.
Since the acid house revolution started the authorities have been criminalising the party scene. This has lead to lots of people believing that they are criminals, and thus breaking lots of basic laws that should be obeyed out of decency, not out of respect for authority. We all know Weed should be legal and it isn't, we all know that there is nothing antisocial or immoral about having a party, but don't get confused into thinking that it is therefore OK to steal diesel from a school bus, and skank at every opportunity. You'd be surprised how many people miss this point.
It's a recreation not a competition.