Creation Date: Mid April
Map Ref:SP 575 014
Crop: Oil Seed Rape
Reported by: Stuart Arnold
Image(s): Diagram(s) not to scale
Dimensions/Swirl: Approx 51-68ft. Swirl CW.
Description and Information: See Below
Single circle in rape stated to be old when seen by informant. Looks to be 50-60ft
in diameter viewed from Garsington Chruchyard. No survey carried out by OCCCS
as crop was tangling up on June 3rd. (Will examine after harvesting). In first
field up from B480 Oxford-Stadhampton road.
Post harvest examination on July 27th indicates a slightly oval shape (diameters 51 and 58ft). Weed had grown through and had not been cut down by the harvester so the outline could be easily seen. Rape plants were layed hard to the ground in clockwise rotation. Indications are this may have formed in early April when the ground was too muddy for the plants to recover.