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Hosted by the safer sex and drugs forum a 16 year old project based on user engagement, education and harm reduction.

Dadford - Nr. Silverstone - Reported 4th July

Creation Date: 3/4 July
Map Ref:666 something
Crop: Wheat
Reported by: Matthew Clark
Image(s):Image on the crop circle connector

Dimensions/Swirl: See the crop circle connector report

Description and Information: See Below
Although not strictly inside Oxfordshire, the Oxfordshire group spent a long time examining this symbolic formation.  The map refernce of 666 goes together nicely with the Double Pentagram and leaves one feeling as though something is playing cosmic joker again.  The formation is nearly impossible to see from any position in the surrounding area and has good structure once inside although has been damaged by visitors and wind.

Pictures and a full report will be included here in the next few days

There is further information and pictures on the Crop Circle Connector.

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